~Catching (y/n)~

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Dexter Charming was captivated. Every flick of her hair, every laugh that slipped through her lips, every flutter of her lashes that would always brush the arches of her cheeks. "Uh, Dex? Dexter? Dexter Charming!" A deep voice brought Dexter back down to earth as a hand was waved in front of his charming face. "Uh, I'm up! I mean, hi, Cupid." He corrects himself as he slams his locker closed quickly. He didn't want Cupid to think he was... less than normal.

Cupid chuckles deeply at Dexter's nervous words and energy. "What is up with you?" Cupid questions Dexter, leaning against Dexter's locker. He was curious now. He'd never seen his friend this...stressed. That was when he heard the laughter. Looking in the same direction as Dexter, he quickly deduced why his friend was staring. Matt had lifted (y/n) into the air and was spinning her around.

Her long (h/c) hair was elegantly styled in thick ringlets that went wonderfully with her short skirt with tights underneath which she had worn for dragon fighting that day. "Ahh, (y/n)." Cupid mutters, entranced himself by the daughter of Arthur Pendragon. That was when a thought came to Dexter. "You know, Thorne is having that party on Friday and I want to ask (y/n) to be my date, but I'm just afraid I'm gonna mess it up." He complains.

Cupid scoffs and looks down at Dexter being a head taller than him. "There are other girls at this school." Cupid states coolly, trying to hide the jealousy he felt bubbling up inside of him. He had wanted to ask her to be his date at Thorne's party. But a better idea came to mind. Cupid would simply wait. After all, Thronecoming wasn't too far away. He could just ask (y/n) to be his date then.

"I wish I was more like my brother. If I was the great Daring Charming, girls would just fall for me." Dexter complains as the two watch some girls swoon when Daring shoots them a smile. But then (y/n) walked past them to go to a class and everything seemed to slow. "Why don't you try your asking-out skills on your friends?" Cupid asks him, trying to get Dexter to unintentionally ask out another girl so he could take (y/n).

And poor Dexter fell for it. Hook, line, and sinker. "That's a great idea. You're the best." Dexter comments ecstatically. Then Dexter gives Cupid a pat on the shoulder and rushes off to his class. Cupid shook his head as he pulled out his own class books and headed off in the same direction as (y/n). Throughout the rest of the day, Dexter had tried all his lines on his friends. He had tried Thorne in Rumpelstiltskin's class.

With the awful line of 'If I asked you to go out with me, would you' which fell flat as Thorne was dead asleep before he could finish the question. Then he changed the subject he tried his lines on. Still male because all his friend were male, but Matt seemed to be his own breed of 'something'. When Dexter tried the 'did it hurt when you fell down from heaven' pick-up line, but it fell flat. Mainly, because Matt thought that he was speaking Riddlish too.

So Dexter gave up and changed everything about his subject matter. He had changed both Gender and Species, hoping to get better results from a female troll. It didn't. All it got him was a troll kiss full of troll drool. And that was how he ended up where he was, sitting slouched on a bench trying to figure out how to ask (y/n) out on a date. "Mind if I sit?" A familiar voice asked him and he looked up to see the girl he was trying to ask out.

(y/n) Pendragon smiled just as sweetly at him as she always did. "(y/n). Uh, you come up here too?" He asked her and she nodded a smile on her face. She reached up and brushed a clump of curls out of her face. Then she blushed a little. "Raven showed it to me, the best place in the whole school to watch the sunset." She bubbles as she looks up at the sky. The sunset seemed to reflect off her (e/c) irises making them twice as pretty to Dexter.

Then she fiddled with her fingers. "Hey, would you go with me to Thorne's party on Friday? No one else has asked me, so I thought I'd ask you." She says softly and she smiles at him. A kind sweet smile that he often saw being directed at Raven and Matt. Dexter nodded excitedly before She smiled and rushed off, face tinted with a pretty blush. And Dexter was over the moon. On his way back to his dorm, he couldn't stop grinning.

He even ran into Cupid on the way. Cupid shakes his head a little. "What's with the silly grin?" Cupid questions Dexter as he looks Dexter up and down. "I've got a date with (y/n) to Thorne's Party on Friday." He tells Cupid excitedly, causing Cupid's mouth to go slack in shock. Dexter nodded quickly before he laughed a little. "And I didn't even have to ask her. She asked me." Dexter added as he took off.

Not noticing the fury and jealousy that was evident on Cupid's face

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