~Stark Raven Mad~

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I sat in my class, head in my hands as Raven and I tried to sit through music with the Pied Piper, Melody Piper's father. "Excuse me, Professor Piper? Can you show us that melody again?" Kitty asks our teacher, her face spread with a mischievous grin. Kitty was the daughter of the Cheshire cat, so she was known for her mischief. I sigh a little as I covered my face with my hands. I knew what was coming and so did Raven. 

"Kitty, you know what happens when..." He starts but is cut off by Professor Piper playing a nasty, sour note. Rats fell from the roof and Kitty giggles a little. "Oh rats, I forgot." She says before disappearing, leaving only for a moment, her smile. But with a small blink her smile was gone along with the rest of her. "Raven Queen and (y/n) Pendragon, please report to Baba Yaga's office." A woman announced over the P.A system.

We both sigh and walked together to Baba Yaga's office. "I wonder why we're being summoned." I whispered to Raven who shrugged as we continued walking. Once we reach the door to Madam Yaga's office, Raven opened the door, allowing me to enter first. "Miss Pendragon, take a seat." Headmaster Grimm orders, pointing to the seat between Matt and Thorne Beauty, Son of Sleeping Beauty. I huff a little and practically throw myself onto the plush Ottoman. 

Raven came in and noticed my upset face and then the six people around me. I huffed again as I leaned my chin against my hand. But Raven was, very confused. "Raven, take a seat." Madam Yaga says to him. "As a faculty advisor, it's my job to meet with the, um..." She stops, unable to put a name to what Raven was 'suffering' from. Headmaster Grimm decided that the correct definition for Raven was 'troubled student'. 

I groaned loudly, earning the attention of Headmaster Grimm and his glare. "What? I'm not troubled." Raven says to Grimm as Madam Yaga explained that we were all here to get him back on the 'wrong' track. "I'll let your friends explain." Madam Yaga says to Raven. First to speak was Adam and I knew what was going to happen. Thorne and Adam had biased views against Raven. Adam because he needed her for his happily ever after.

And Thorne because of his friendship with Adam. This was going to be a kick in the teeth. But Matt and Lizzy also had biases. Matt because he was friends with Raven and Lizzy because she didn't really care whether or not anything happened to Raven. In fact, she looked bored out of her mind. "Raven, I adore you. But, like, the other day, you spilled that everlasting black ink all over my new suit." He says to Raven.

His voice was an ever-sweet, honeyed baritone that made me shiver a little. Raven corrected him, stating that that spill was an accident, and explained that he apologized like 100 times. But Adam glossed over that with a sigh. "You're not supposed to apologize. You're evil." He says loudly, saying it a little slower than he should have. Almost like he was talking to a toddler. This earns a sigh from Raven. 

"But what if want to..." Raven starts to say but is cut off by Headmaster Grimm. He reminded him that he was here to 'listen'. Raven responds by plopping himself down in the chair he had been given to sit in. Thorne was not very concentrated because apparently, he was more focused on the fact that he had just set up a bungee-jump platform on the east turret. "Thorne, hocus focus. Mathew?" Madam Yaga orders him before he sits down and it was Matt's turn.

"I think Raven is wicked awesome, just the way he is. And you didn't tell me we were here to be-hassle him, you said we were going to have a tea party." Matt reminds the Headmaster as if he had forgotten the awful excuse he had used to get Matt here in the first place. "Yes, I lied." Grimm informed Matt rather bluntly before turning to the Princess of Hearts, who was currently fiddling with a deck of cards.

"We haven't heard from Lizzy Hearts." He said as he gestured to the girl next to Matt. She flicked up the single Queen of Hearts card from her deck. "Off with her head." Lizzy proclaimed, using the air to slice off one of the heads from the card. Raven looked fed up as everyone around me started arguing. Noticing the anger in Raven's eyes I quickly got up and ducked behind his chair, as a means of protection from Raven's anger and or magic.

Finally, Raven had enough. "Everyone, stop it!" He bellows, a wave of magic rolling off of his body and colliding with Headmaster Grimm. The result was incredibly funny, and I happily laughed. "Now that's what we're looking for from an evil king." Grimm's head says from the body of a chicken. Even Adam clapped a little in delight. Raven groans and heads towards the door, allowing me to chase after him a little and walk next to him. 

"Calm down." I whisper to him and he takes my hand into his as we continued on our way. Faintly, behind us, I could hear Headmaster Grimm shouting at us. Trying to get Raven to come back to fix the spell he accidentally cast. "I don't want to be a chicken man!" I can hear Grimm scream as I giggle I listen to the others giggling as Grimm chased the two of us to become normal once again.

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