○ Get used to me

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Niki had messaged his adress to Jay and waited for him patiently in his house he was eager to see Jay and make a move on him this time .
Jay the punctual he is he had arrived on time.
Niki leaded him upstairs to his room

When they were finaly there
Jay walked to the desk in the room and leaned on it
"From what do we start ?" Jay questioned
"Why don't we skip the beginning and go strait to my bed" Ni-ki bluntly told him
Jay's eyes widened, "what are you talking about !? "

"Why are you surprised You didn't even ask which subject you were going to teach me so I thought you were good at everything"

Jay punched him on the face nocking some sense into him
"Back at school I couldn't do anything But now I can!!"

Niki rubbed his jaw feeling it then chuckled "Nice !so you like to do it the rough way just like me".

"Admit it you also knew what I was after from the beginning and you still agreed to follow me here"
" that's not true!" Jay looked away embarrassed, it was true he knew what was Ni-ki's intentions but he didn't think he will go strait to main point, he was rushing things on his own.
"I thought you were smart, but you thought you were going to wash my mind with books and I was going to bother myself with memorizing everything!" Niki told him in a mocking tone
"You.." Jay was at lose of words
He felt so stupid niki was right, such a reckless boy like him would never care about studying, but why Jay wanted to follow him here, he is not the easy type to be hit on.
He wasn't being himself and something about niki was attracting him.
he should not be here right now.

"Anyways that you are here let's just enjoy our time " niki moved closer and his arms went around Jay's waist before he lock them together Jay pushed him and walked passed him to the door.
But he was pulled back inside again
"Don't you see we are not done yet, plus it will be unfair to me as you passe more time with other students"

This wasn't going to work

Jay looked around him for another escape he rushed to the first window he saw
Niki didn't understand what he was doing now
Jay opened it, as they were on the first floor without waiting he hopped on its other side letting his body hang there with one of his arm holding on the window edge.
Niki rushed to stop him.
But Jay had already jumped down
And fell on the grass in their garden
Niki was still shoked more like amazed this was getting more exciting the boy he admired turned to be a ninja lol now there was another reason of why he wanted him to be his.
Jay looked up to see Ni-ki staring down at him while laughing, he was enjoying the show.

Jay rushed out of there deciding it was enough adventure for today.
And heard niki shouting behind him
"I will see you tomorrow" sending him a flying kiss.
Later that day Jay went to his father's house he didn't live there since his father had a new family with his new wife.
His step mother opened the door
And sighed" You are visiting alot nowdays
Why bother doing so she is going to die anyways!!"
"Can I come in?!" he looked down to his feet, not wanting to see her face.
She rolled her eyes and stepped aside to let him get in.
This place didn't feel like home to him anymore, he only went there to visit his Grann since she was sick.
Eachday passed her condition had become worse.
They didn't have enough money to let her stay in the hospital.
His father who worked whole day wasn't financially stable he had other responsibilities toward his family so the money were not enough. And Jay couldn't stay to take care of her since he wasn't in good terms with his step mother, they had fought alot because she was always mad and bossy around him and his father always took her side that's why he moved out.
"Halmeoni!" he entered her room and went next to her bed
"Jay my little boy. you came home late this time... how was your day?" she tried to speake even though her voice seemed weaker compared to last time.
"Today was great" showing her his happy face " don't worry about me"
She smiled and started coughing again. jay panicked a little
"I-I will go make you food then you will take your medicine and will feel better "
"No-no stay, I am not hungry I want to see you"
He sat on the bed by her side telling her about his day until she fell asleep.
Jay wanted to stay more and not to let go of her hand that he was holding.
He pouted then got up, prying she will still be fine the next day " halmeoni" he whispered " I have to go back to the dorm before they close the doors" he kissed her forehead before leaving .

The following day Jay was heading to his locker to arrange his things, he unlocked its door to be surprised with a huge amount of colorful glitter dust filling his locker now falling down on him and on the floor, making everything sparkle.
Jay opened his mouth in wow
This was the most beautiful mess in jays life, he will sure enjoy cleaning it.
"Omg Jay what happened" his friend taehyun who happened to be passing by questioned him.
"I-I don't really know either"
His friend pulled him from there
"Jay it's not him right ? Tell me he is not still after you!" he was talking about niki
Jay was going to answer..
"Jay look if you ever think in getting into a relationship with that bully then you will have to chose between us, your friend and him!".
Jay didn't look confused at all his friend had all the right to be angry, niki did so many horrible things to him.
He cleaned his locker and went to his classroom, approaching his seat, he saw a blue note someone probably left it on purpose he quickly picked it opening to see what was writing inside:
" will you be my boyfriend (x), hyung (x), teacher( x), how about my everything (?) "
Jay chuckled " what a silly boy"
His friend saw that and glared at him
"I-I will tell him to stop" Jay reassured his friend and crumbled the paper into a ball before tossing it into the trash can
But he kind of didn't want Ni-ki to stop it was the first in a very long time since someone cared or did something for him reminding him how special he was and he was starting to enjoy it.


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