○Scary boyfriend

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Niki seemed more clingy with Jay day by day, he stayed at their house longer than Jay thought he would, that he even started wearing Jay's clothes since he didn't bring his with him.
Used everything belonged to Jay, filled the place with Jay's Parfums, sleeped on his bed, played on his phone like he didn't already had one, and ofcours without bothering to ask permission.
He was already living in his boyfriend role.
Jay didn't care that much, niki was being weird and creepy like usual but well he saied he loved him and that explained his actions.

Until Niki started being more serious.

They were lying next to eachother on Jay's bed , Jay was boredly listening while niki took a whole hour lecturing him on how they should treat eachother as a couple from now on, never ignore eachother since Jay does it alot nor hide things from eachothers even the smallest details,
no passcode on their cellphones, niki even deleted Jay's old friends phone-numbers, their pictures together, while Jay watched him do it.

It is so sad and painful how his friends had completly abandoned him the day he needed them the most, and didn't want to be friends with him even after, Jay didn't care anymore, he thought who want to stay in his life will stay and who doesn't then they should not.
And right now there was only Ni-ki who wanted so badly to stay with him.

"Niki I can do it myself" Jay offered and extended his hand infront of niki to take his phone , but the later moved the phone away before Jay could snatch it "No I want do it !" he was too persistent and took his time doing it while smiling, he really took pleasure while making sure Jay had nobody to talk with but him.

" You can delete what you want from there just like you did to my friends but you can't delete my memories with them".
Niki sent him a death glare and Jay realized what he said.
Niki's smile was back in less than two seconds before he threw the phone on the floor crashing it "You know what? it doesn't matter since you are all mine now".
Jay's eyes followed his phone 'The hell' all his saving are gone " You didn't need to break it !" Jay wanted to get up but niki was faster and hugged him with his head lying on Jays chest stopping him" I will buy you a new one" his voice seemed somehow sad .


Jay's step mom "Mina" had noticed the thing going between them but she didn't say anything, she even allowed niki to stay at their house whenever he wanted.
And since Jay's father worked at night and was almost never home passed 8h pm to question Ni-ki's regular long visits, which easiest things for him.
And so surprisingly Mina started treating Jay in a more caring way.
The only problem left was how he had caught his boyfriend and her several time whisper talking to each other about something, Jay supposed it was about him but he couldn't know what they where planing to do behind his back. He predicted it would be something harmful for him.
And alot more interesting for both of them.

Jay changed his clothes to head out he had promised to help some of his juniors with their studying.

He headed down the stairs and to the door, picked his shoes, he didn't bother telling Ni-ki since the later seemed occupied chatting and giggling in the kitchen with Mina, they did get along perfectly and Jay let them be .

"Baby where to?" Niki called after him.

Jay sighed, he let his hand slid from the door's lock and turned around" Do I need to tell, when you already know "

"Yes you do, because we didn't agree for you to be this way "

"I didn't agree on anything" Jay looked away denying their last night talking.

Niki moved closer from him and took both of his hands in his "I know you are bored, How about we go on a date instead".

"We can't today" Jay talked in a small voice to not hurt him "I promise I will take you next time Ni-ki and I really need to go now", but didn't look the younger in the eye since he is not sure he will keep his promise.

Niki clenched his jaw "Its baby call me baby !!, and I want to go out today !! " he wasn't pleased at all by Jay's answer.

"And I said we can't! Stop bothering me". Jay couldn't play along anymore.

Niki closed his eyes before he lose control "Jongseong you seems like you still don't understand me do you!?".

"No! you are the one who doesn't understand me I need to work ! to help my family! I can't play your boyfriend game and I am not giving in for your unneeded jealousie!!".

He lost it and his hands moved up on both sides of Jay's coller pulling him closer to his face "You kissed me you agreed to be my boyfriend, and you said you loved me, You did all this on your own , now stand back on your acts and be a man or I will make you one !" Then pushed Jay to hit his back to the wall
Jay was shocked, it's only then that he realized how fast they got to this point in their relationship and how easly he fell in the youngers trap.
Ni-ki added still threatening him "But if you still chose to step out from this door I can't assure you that I won't go tell your father you are dating guys from our school in exchange of money"

"He- he won't believe you" Jay wasn't so sure himself.

Niki smirked and showed him the devil eyes "Guess yes he will, don't forget I go to the same school as you I will tell him I saw you several times, plus I am not so sure your step mom will defend you, then guess it will be two against one, who wins ?".
Jay gulpet before glancing at where his step-mom was, she was leaning on the wall with the arms crossed to her chest while watching them .
This is bad his father would never believe him if Mina played along with niki and confirmed it too.
He will be so much troubled

"You won't do that !" Feeling insecur he wanted confirmation.

"Watch me" with so much confidence Ni-ki started walking to the guests room where Jay's dad was.
The later was chilling on the sofa while watching some news on tv before he go to work.
"Niki wait" he scream whispered

Too late
"OK fine!!" Jay yelled making his dad startle.
"Mr park" niki was already standing infront of him.

"Oh , Niki! " he sat properly" you needed something?" he asked him with a faint smile on his face.
"Yeah actually.." he glanced toward Jay before continuing
The later gulpet the fear was eating him from the inside.
"Sir, I wanted to thank you for allowing me to stay at your house tonight".

Jay sighed feelling relieved 'thank God'

"Any time, it's actually me who should thank you for staying by Jay's side,
Jay needs more friends like you who cares about him" the good person he is he only saw the good in niki.
He gestured him to sit by his side then continued on complimenting him.
Its no doubt Mina had good mouthed about niki to his father.

Niki was a little surprised but sent a smirk to Jay before sitting next to Mr park and started chatting with him.

He won this time, now that he gained his father's trust he realy seems powerful in Jay's eyes.

But Jay wouldn't abandon it easly he will starte searching for a new job soon, a more decent one with a contract, where he would be more protected.


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