○ Good intentions

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Jay was going to visit his grandma again today
Before approaching the main gate of their house he noticed someone familiar getting out, his heart skipped and his eyes widened, he walked faster toward him.

"What are you doing here huh !!" He is starting to be everywhere like a creep.

"Jongseong! " Niki looked happy to see him the opposite thing for Jay he was stressing he still didn't forget or move on yet from the horrible things niki did to Taehyun and was scared he may do anything to his family too.

"Answer my questions!! What were you doing there and how did you find out about my house!?, were you stalking me!!?".
"Will you calm down abit, why are you in panic "-"I am doing this for you"

"Ni-ki What did you do ?" Jay was confused.
"I discussed abit with your step-mom and she agreed on you moving back and staying here"
"Thank God" he released his breath, "WAIT WHAT !!" how did he convince her, offcours when she knew niki was a rich kid thought if he helped she will get some too.
And this made Jay go mad "This was never your f*cking business why would you interfere in my life?!!" he held a gripe on Ni-ki's shirt.

"I-I know you are in need for money، and how you care about your grandma's the most, I just wants to make things easier for you and it's not out if pity it's out of love". He told him in a more sincere tone.

Trying hard to show how caring he was , his hand moved up resting on Jays one which was still wholding his shirt "I can give you as much as you need , all is left to do is just cancel on giving lessons to other students and come only to me "
Jay looked at him in disbelieve this was going too fare.
"Can you hear yourself ?! Do you call this love, You are being ridiculous you can't bye me like that and you can't just come into my life and change things on your own!!" Jay was fuming mad he hated accepting help from anyone because they will for sure ask something in return from him.

He let go of Ni-ki, and changed his mind he wasn't going in to see his grandma, not in this state.

"Wait Jongseong I am sorry ok, I did all this without your permission I just wanted to help " lies, the jealouse he is he wanted Jay to stay home after school and stop living in that dorm sharing a room with other dudes, niki now was following him trying to be in the same speed as him.

When niki touched his arm
Jay kicked him on his stomach with his elbow making him fall in the middle of the road. niki groaned in pain
Jay turned to look behind him and saw Ni-ki's pained face his arm around his stomach and the other one covering his eyes probably crying, he quickly went helping him up
"I am sorry.. I didn't mean to hurt you"-' stupid Jay he just wanted to help' he scolded himself not knowing exactly how to confort him, he pulled him into a hug, even if niki was a bad person Jay sure wasn't going to become like him.

But niki was faking it, now he was smiling evily while enjoying the hug.

They stood up now standing closer
"Are you still feeling pain?".
Niki held his hands
"No it's fine"reassuring him, his smile was back.
Jay was looking down having so much mixed feelings he just couldn't feel well anymore he tried to cool down.

"I can't stand seeing those sad eyes" niki told him then leaned on his face
"Huh !"when Jay blinked niki took the opportunity and kissed his eye.
Jay was surprised "Don't do this... we are in the middle of the street" he scolded him feeling embarrassed.

"Hyung " this was the first time niki called him that way which made him more attentive to the younger.

"I love you"
He confessed again how longer was Jay going to ignore it.
"I..." This love of his was making Jay more thrilled.
"Yes?"niki waited patiently
"I want ice-cream " Jay told him out of no where trying to change the topic.
"Come with me"
"Where to!!"
"Somewhere, just trust me" he sure needed it to cool down from too much agitation.

They went first to a small shop where Jay bought them ice-cream then continued walking side by side till they were inside a park, niki kept glancing at him he still wanted to hear an answer after his confession.
it was getting dark
Jay finished eating but had some ice-cream left on his top lips.
"Should we head home?"Jay requested
"Hyung don't move" niki used his thumb to rubb it off.
Feeling the touch of the hot finger on his cold lips he wondered how the other parts of his body would feel on his he wanted more of this warmth and niki didn't stop here he wrraped his arm around Jay's neck and smiled playfully, now their faces were too close "I feel like I am on a date with you"

Jay didn't say anything and kept looking into his eyes.
"How long are you going to make me wait Park Jongseong ?"
Jay didn't answer and decided it was time to get ride of this burden in his life, the impatient he is he chosed to better close the distance between them ruiniting their heads with a kiss .
The next day at school
Jay was standing in the hallway with his friends when suddenly niki came beside him and kissed his cheek.
"Jay!!" His friend exclaimed when they witnessed the kiss
Niki slammed his fist to the wall next to them
"Park Jongseong is my boyfriend if anyone has a problem with it you should come to me" almost menacing them
Jay's jaw dropped
His friends were shocked
"Jay explain this ! "
"I-I swear I .. "
"How could you go out with someone like him!" they were angry on Jay dating their bully.

"Lets just go " They obviously didn't approve on Jay having relationship with him they also suspected niki to be the one who hurted their other friend.
Now Jay was alone
Niki was glaring at them until they left
Jay started walking faster in the opposite direction leaving niki too.
"Hey!!"-"Why are you running away"

"Niki go away you are ruining my life!".
"Who is ruining who? it's you who kissed me and run away yesterday night, you ruined my happiest moment!!"
That was true Jay did run away after the kiss cause he realized it was the dumbest thing to do.

"What are you afraid of ? are you maybe ashamed your teacher will be disappointed your image will be ruined when everyone knows about you dating the bad boy!? or you are afraid of being lonely without your group of nerdys "he was carelessly mocking him.

"Niki you need to stop this attitud of yours you are always acting selfish!!"

"Fine! if you don't want me either then I will keep enjoying hurting everyone in this school !!"
No this is not good.

Jay stood there trying to think, it could actualy work he may be able to turn this kid into a good one and save others from him, since he already said he love him he won't hurt him instead of them right ?.


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