Confidence: Monika x Reader

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Monika's POV:

"Okay, everyone! That concludes today's meeting! I'll see you all tomorrow." I proudly stated. One by one, the club members left the room, leaving me alone. I sighed deeply, and sat down at a desk nearby. After a few minutes, I decided to lie down for a minute. I wouldn't fall asleep, I would just lie down...

Y/N's POV:

I walked into the room to see Monika, fast asleep on a desk. I walked over to her, and tapped her shoulder. She immediately bolted awake, and gasped out of fright. I backed up, not wanting to startle her any further.

"Oh, Y/N! It's just you..." Monika reminded herself. I sat down in a desk next to her.

"Are you okay? I went to our after school meet-up spot, but you weren't there, so I came here." I questioned her. Monika groaned, and softly hit her head on her desk in disappointment.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Y/N! I totally forgot, I guess I was just really tired." Monika explained. I shrugged.

"Hey, it's fine! Literature club must have really tired you out, huh?" I asked. Monika nodded, and stood up.

"Well, we should start walking home. Again, I'm sorry for the delay." Monika said. I stood up as well, and we exited the room. The walk home was quiet, mostly because Monika just woke up. I was getting worried.

"Monika... It seems like you're always super tired after club, is something wrong?" I asked. Monika shook her head, smiling.

"Nothing's wrong! Literature club is just... Well, I guess it just takes a lot out of me. When I'm in school, I don't have to speak. I just have to listen and learn. But when I'm at the club, I have to be a leader, you know? I guess acting confident for the entire time just really tires me." She said. I was a bit taken back, because I never knew she felt like this. It made me feel kind of guilty.

"Monika, I never knew that! I always thought you were just one of those people with confidence all the time. Monika laughed.

"Well, I used to be friends with a lot of people like that. Truth is, no one is naturally confident. Confidence isn't really a feeling, but more like a presentation. If you make people think you're confident, you will be. It's kind of complicated." She said. I held her hand, and she looked at me.

"I think I get it. I- Thanks for telling me. I'll try to be more thoughtful about it. Whenever you feel like it's too much, just tell me, okay? Whether it's at the club, or at school, or whatever." I told her. Monika's eyes brightened, and she planted a kiss on my cheek.

"Y/N, I think you're the first person to ever tell me that."

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