How Did We Meet Again?

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Hawks was never going to listen to The Commission ever again.

Yes, he knows he's said that before, but he means it this time.

'Oh, it'll be easy! Just figure out what this group is planning, super simple. Find this guy named Dabi and do whatever you can to make him trust you. Meet the boss, report back to us, and whatever you do, don't trust anyone.'

It looked easy back then, but now?

Hawks just wanted to forget all of this.

He did everything exactly how The Commission planned, and this is the thanks he gets?

Okay maybe he skipped out on some parts... and he thinks that finding the contact hot shouldn't change anything. He could handle it. He could definitely handle that.

The actual issue was that his 'contact' was the same exact person he thought had disappeared. (and maybe he thought he was hot all those years ago)

Hawks liked to think he's fairly smart. He did get here in one piece!

Either way, standing in a room which Eraserhead of all people just walked out of while people climb out of the back closets is not one of his smarter ideas.

Was that actually blood?

Actually, never mind he didn't want to know.

What he did want to know was why The Commission acted like the 'LOV' was some sort of criminal group. Sure they might be violent, or something, (Hawks honestly doesn't know why he's here) but they ARE still high schoolers. What's the worst they could do? Hawks didn't know why the League was treating him like he needed to prove himself to get into a criminal organization. The League was just a group of misfit kids! A group that Hawks had to track down in this enormous school and get strung along by his contact for a year. He was busy doing this when there was real crime going on.

Hawks ignored the guy covered in Stain cosplay, a kid in a poison mask, and some entity covered in what looked to be black tape with lots of teeth...? Oh of course and the random Todoroki that decided to come knocking on the door, Hawks would deal with that after his dramatic montage. (Why is it always a Todoroki?)

Anyway, this is not what Hawks imagined when he thought of where he would be 8 years later in freshman year.

This is all because some random 14 year old thought it would be fun to push someone off the swingset. (Hawks doesn't care that he technically wasn't pushed off.)

Somewhere else, another person was also reminiscing about the past...

Hawks was fourteen when he met him.

Hawks wasn't even Hawks yet officially, no, he was Keigo.

"Some kid wouldn't stop following me. I told him to stop but he found me during school time."

Touya was very confused.

He acted all cool in front of Keigo, but he actually had no idea what was running through the other kid's head.

First, he tried to talk to him, and then he insisted Touya pushed him off the swing, and he demanded friendship in return. Of course, Touya would tell him to get lost, and then they would never talk to each other ever again. He's done the same to all the Endeavor fans he's come across and it works like a charm. This time, however, his plan was failing.

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