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Guards approached the company as they climbed the stairs to the hall.

-I cannot allow you before Théoden king so armed, Gandalf Grayhame. By order of... Gríma Wormtongue- a man with ginger hair approached them uttering the last name with clear distaste.

With a nod from Ganfalf, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli give their many weapons to the guards. When Arya made no move to take hers off, the captain of the guard raises one eyebrow at her.

She sighed and the guards watched as she took off her bow and arrows from her back and handed them to her. The men waited in surprised shock as she pulled two daggers, made of a clear metal that looked like diamond, from the holsters at her calves and twirled them expertly before laying them down gently on the pile of weapons in the guard's arms.

She hesitantly took her sword, scabbard and all, and gently placed them on top of the pile in the guard's arms, her warning glare making the poor man flinch.

-Your staff- the redhead signalled to the wooden staff in the wizard's grasp.

-Eh? Oh. No, you would not part an old man from his walking stick?- Gandalf leaned on it a bit more trying to appear as a weak old man.

Háma thinks a moment, gives Gandalf a knowing look, then allows him and the others to pass.

Gandalf winks and takes Legolas' and Arya's hands as they enter the hall, leaning on both of them.

Gríma is at the King's side by the throne, his hunched up form leaning into the old man's ear as he sees the group enter.

-My lord. Gandalf the Grey is coming. He is a herald of woe- Arya catches him whisper to the worn out king.

-The courtesy of your hall is somewhat lessened of late, Théoden King- Gandalf said.

Guards follow Gandalf and his party making Arya slip her hand discreetly to her snake bracelet a sorceress from Alagaësia had given her.

The silver trinket's sapphire eyes suddenly came alive and it slithered silently down her forearm and to the ground, the tip of its tail sliding smoothly into the palm of her hand.  

Legolas took notice of the soft rustling sound of Arya's hood and saw a flash of silver that disappeared as quickly as he had seen it. He locked eyes with Arya and she gave him a coy smile, her grip on Gandalf loosening slightly as she felt him begin to move.

-He is not welcome- Gríma repeats.

-Why should I welcome you, Gandalf Stormcrow?- the old king echoes Gríma's thoughts.

-A just question my liege.

The leech like man besides the king stood up fro, his place, his greying robes piling at his feet.

-Late is the hour in which this conjurer chooses to appear. Lathspell I name him. Ill news is in ill guest.

-Be silent! Keep your forked tongue behind you teeth. I have not passed through fire and death to bandy crooked words with a witless worm!- Gandalf ordered, his voice booming through the tall ceiling of the hall as Arya and Legolas let go of his arms as he stood crouched over no more.

The wizard raised his staff.

-His staff! I told you to take the wizard's staff!- the man cowers behind the throne. At his command the men around the group rush forward with their swords drawn.

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