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        "So? What happened? Tell us all about it!" Grasstail pounced around Snowshade. "Hush you three! Snowshade has been given a hard task! Let her be by herself for a bit," Stonestorm leaped in front of her daughter, hissing. "It's okay Stonestorm, I can tell them when I want to," Snowshade reassured her mother, she beckoned her friends with her tail, "Come in under the twisted hazel tree, we can talk there." Snowshade told them everything again "... so that was what happened," Snowshade mewed. "So, you spoke to StarClan? Wow!" Whitestone squealed. "But we will need to move, don't worry Snowshade, we will support you!" Nightail promised.

"Hello? Snowshade?" Snowshade's mate, Emberstorm mewed. Snowshade shook her head distractedly and mewed back, "Yes? What is it?" "Silverpaw, Bravepaw and Mintpaw wants to talk to you." Emberstorm told her. "Coming," Snowshade waved her tail as goodbye to her friends and padded to her kits. "Snowshade!" All the three apprentices squealed in delight, they pounced onto Snowshade and tumbled around. "Stop acting like kits you lot!" Snowshade hissed playfully, she questioned her kits, "Why did you want to see me?" The three apprentices suddenly looked serious, Silverpaw, the second oldest one, murmured, "Well, we had a dream, and we saw cats with stars in their fur." She continued hesitantly, "Was those cats StarClan?" Snowshade tipped her head to one side, how did my kits guess that was StarClan? Oh, right. I told them about it. Snowshade rested her gentle gaze on her kits and whispered, "Yes, that was StarClan. What did they tell you?" None of them spoke, Silverpaw nudged her brother, Bravepaw with a paw telling him to tell their mother. Finally, Bravepaw mewed, "A grey tortoiseshell she-cat came to me with my sisters and told me that we need to find a new home and rebuild a clan called... LifeClan?" Snowshade and Emberstorm exchanged a knowing glance and told Bravepaw to continue. Instead, Mintpaw took over, "The grey she-cat brought us to a birch forest similar to this but with more area and a beautiful sparkling stream, there were also dens made of bramble thickets, honeysuckle, feathers and shining moss. There was an empty, large forest beside us and there were no cats there. Oh! And there were two more groups of cats beside us. They were a bit far from us and there was a line of trees in between our land and theirs. The cat told us to find this land and settle there with those other cats. Then, she vanished into thin air." Snowshade gazed into the distance and back to her, she mewed, "That cat you saw is your great-great grandmother, her name is Stoneshade." she continued, "She came into my dream too. We have to find this place, no matter how many moons it might take!" Her kits and mate were looking uncertain. However, Snowshade gazed up to the sky and thought, I will do it...