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Everyone got into four rows, the queens and kits in the most middle, elders right beside them, apprentices, and finally, warriors. "Now don't go dashing off, understand?" Snowstar warned her daughters. Silverpaw and Mintpaw nodded. Bravepaw took the lead as Silverpaw and her sister guarded the rear. Bravepaw padded in front while tasting the air for any prey or danger.

Bravepaw halted to a stop when he reached a turn. He tipped his head thoughtfully as memories flickered in Bravepaw's eyes like minnows in a stream. He flicked his tail towards the right and quicken his pace.

For a few heartbeats, nobody said anything. Fawnpaw, a cream-furred tom, whispered to his brother, Pebblepaw, a grey cream tom, "I feel awkward in this silence." Right after Fawnpaw mentioned that, a chorus of hoarse and yucky coughing broke out somewhere in front. Suddenly the travelling cats skidded to a halt, Acornpaw could just make out the figure of a small white and orange tom. Bravepaw! Acornpaw realized. She burst out in front to see in horror that Bravepaw had collapsed and his breathing was fast and shallow. "Snowstar! Help!" Acornpaw cried, taut with worry. Snowstar rushed forward, then rested her paw on Bravepaw's forehead. "He has a slight fever," she meowed, "I think he has whitecough!" "No!" Acornpaw cried. Whitecough could spread and worsen to Greencough. Only few, rare herbs could treat it. A black and ginger she-kit crawled out from the hidden ferns. "Can I help? I could find Tansy," the she-kit mewed nervously. "Who are you?" Snowstar meowed, confused. "I live alone, my mother died and my father left me. I... I don't know if I have any kin but, I think my mother named me Ginger. Ever since I was left alone, I taught myself about herbs. I could help, if you'll let me," Ginger mewed hesitantly, while dipping her head respectfully.

A few cats muttered something under their breath while some shot suspicious and distrustful looks at Ginger. Snowstar motioned her forward with her tail. She meowed, "Of course," She dropped her voice to a whisper, "If you feel like joining, I could teach you almost all the herbs if you want." Ginger waved her tail excitedly, then she came to a stop, gaze seriously fixed on Bravepaw, "Tansy would do best for Whitecough, got any?" She mewed to Snowstar. Unfortunately, Snowstar shook her head. Ginger looked around and spotted some Tansy, she immediately nipped off the leaves and passed it to Snowstar. Ginger looked at her expectantly. Snowstar thought, Right, let's get this chewed up. Snowstar chewed the leaves until it was just juice in her mouth, quickly she dripped the juice into Bravepaw's. "He will be okay, right?" Acornpaw meowed, whiskers quivering. Bleurgh! Bravepaw vomited out some evil looking muck. "You had some toxins, you should be better since you got rid of it," Ginger mewed with satisfaction. "Thanks," Bravepaw murmured to Snowstar and Ginger while Acornpaw pushed her muzzle against his cheek. "Thank StarClan you're okay," Acornpaw purred while Bravepaw rasped his tongue on her head. They're a perfect match, Snowstar mused, happy.

"We're here, we're actually here!" Silverpaw exclaimed. "This place actually looks like our previous home!" Moondust realized, she padded forward and rubbed her paw against the birch trees, it felt so pleasant. When they entered, this time with Snowstar in front, they were so shocked when they saw many expectant cats right at the Banyan tree that some of the LifeClan cats jumped right into the trees. Eek! Even at their surprise, the two groups of cats looked at them casually and calmly. Even Snowstar's neck fur bristled in shock!

A large green-yellow she-cat stepped forward and dipped her head politely. She meowed, "We've been expecting you. My name is Cloverstar, leader of MistClan." She signaled a gray tom with black rosettes, "This is my deputy, Venomhowl," She then beckoned a black and white tom, as well as, a pale grey she-cat with pure black spots. "These are my medicine cats, Badgermask and Spottedpaw." Snowstar dipped her head in acknowledgement. This time a large grey tom with green eyes stepped forward, "I'm Mountainstar," he meowed coolly. He pointed to a messy pelted she-cat with his tail, "This is Rosemarytear, my deputy." He turned his gaze towards a small, white and grey tom and a grey and brown tom, "My medicine cats; Cobwebhawk and Falconecho." Snowstar stiffened at his harsh yet casual tone, her fur started to fluff up, but she soon relaxed. She meowed, "I'm Snowstar, leader of LifeClan and..." Her voice trailed off. She hadn't chosen a deputy or received a sign from StarClan for a medicine cat. Embarrassment flushed Snowstar as heat washed through her pelt. Cloverstar murmured, "I understand, it was the same for me." Snowstar straightened up, she suggested, "Let's meet at this Banyan tree next full moon." Suddenly, Snowstar felt as if this gathering area should have a name honored by StarClan. "Let's meet at the Great Trees next full moon!" She mewed. "Good idea! The Great Trees like how our ancestors in the Four Trees!" Cloverstar meowed excitedly. The cats started to split up as Snowstar beckoned her cats to the birch camp.