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       "Can we rest for a while? It is getting quite dark," complained Grasstail. "I believe Grasstail is right, our kits need to rest or they might die out of hunger and lack of energy," Flowerlaugh agreed. Most cats nodded agreement. "Okay then, why not we rest near the trees?" Snowshade suggested. Mintpaw and Silverpaw had already dashed through and tried to take a glimpse if their home was nearby. Bravepaw, being the most mature out of all of them, followed his sisters slower. "I think... I see our home, but I cannot confirm it is," Silverpaw mewed. "Don't worry, no rush. We will make it there by time StarClan wants," Snowshade reassured her daughter.

The queens, their mates and kits rushed towards the bush filled with heather and settled down. "Blueshine! I want a fat mouse!" Violetkit, a black she-kit with violet eyes, daughter of Blueshine and Raccontail, wailed. "Hush, my Violetkit, Father will hunt the juiciest mouse for us to share, okay?" Blueshine promised, nodding to her mate, Raccontail. "Yes, I am going out to hunt the plumpest mouse ever! See you Blueshine, Violetkit, Wolfkit," Raccontail mewed. "Who is up for a hunting patrol?" Raccontail called out. Whitefang, Icestorm, Spottedtail and Ribbonstrip nodded their heads and bounded across. Spottedtail and Ribbonstrip paired up while Raccontail and Icestorm went together and Whitefang went alone. Raccontail sighed. He was not used to the temporary territory. "Something is bothering you, am I right?" Icestorm mewed. "Something?" Raccontail echoed. He paused for a while, "Yes, something is bothering me." "You want to get to our permanent territory as fast as we can, right?" Icestorm guessed. "Yeah, I understand you. I promised Acornpaw to explore the territory. Who knows what dangers lurk out there?" Icestorm confessed. The two fathers sighed. Suddenly, something sped past. It was a grey, plump, fluffy mouse. Raccontail thought, this is my chance! He crouched perfectly and slithered forward. With one swift bite, he killed his prey. "Finally!" Raccontail mewed, satisfied. Stripedfeather hissed. A fox snarled. Raccontail turned around and battled the fox with Icestorm. Without any hesitation, Stripedfeather leaped onto the fox's back and bit its neck. The fox yowled as blood splattered everywhere. "Wait! It has a milk scent!" Raccontail realized. "Then even more, we have to kill her! If not, her baby foxes will be harder to handle," Icestorm snapped. Raccontail muttered agreement. He nipped the fox's hind while Icestorm slashed his tail. The fox growled in terror. She bit into Raccontail's hind leg and swiped at Icestorm's claw. The toms tried not to limp and Raccontail pounced onto the fox's back and sank his teeth into her neck. Icestorm immediately got up and sank his claws into her tail. The fox yowled and her yowl was cut abruptly. She fell limp and her eyes dull. "Come on, time to bury her, then we need a patrol to track her kits down," Icestorm meowed. The two scraped the ground and buried the mother fox below. Raccontail picked up his only plump mouse and bounded across to Icestorm.