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Guardian streaked through the air at top speed, pumping his wings for all he was worth. He'd never been the fastest flier—when it came to him and his brothers, that title belonged to Malcom—but right now, he felt like he was moving faster than light. He'd just received a distress signal from Defender's communicator, which was guiding him to Cameron's house. Please don't be what I think it is, Guardian thought desperately, landing in front of the house and shifting into human form.

The Draconian sprinted inside and scanned the living room and kitchen. Upon seeing nothing, he darted toward Cameron's bedroom, throwing open the door.

What he saw inside made his heart drop.

Defender lay on the floor in front of Cameron's bed, motionless and covered in both claw and bite-marks. His chest still rose and fell, but only barely.

And even worse than that was the fact that Cameron herself was gone.

Guardian fell to his knees in front of Defender, staring down at him in shock. "No," he choked out. "We... we failed."


P.O.V. – Zechariah

Zechariah headbutted the door to Cameron's bedroom open, breathing heavily. His ears drooped and heart sank when he saw what was within: Guardian, on both knees, hunched over Defender's unmoving body—and no Cameron. "Oh, no," the Chief Peacekeeper moaned quietly.

"'Defender can protect her.'"

Zechariah shook as Guardian's hoarse, hissing voice broke the silence.

"'I have a duty to my students.'" Guardian straightened up slowly. "'I am the Chief Peacekeeper,'" he growled, turning around with eyes that blazed with green fire. "'And my decision... is final.'" He tilted his head as Zechariah withered beneath his glare. "Your exact words, if I recall correctly."

Zechariah tried to swallow the lump in his throat and began to say, "Guardian—"

"He's alive," Guardian interrupted, keeping his voice low. "But he won't be for long if he doesn't get special help. And then, of course," he added, "there's the issue of Cameron." He motioned to the window and stepped aside.

Zechariah padded past Guardian, avoiding his piercing gaze, and looked out the window. He squinted, noticing a brilliant white glow... and then looked up.

Hovering over Safe Haven, emitting almost-blinding white light, was Cameron. Her face bore a peaceful smile, but her glowing white eyes were cold and unfeeling.

"It's Adina."

Zechariah barely heard the words Guardian spoke. The world seemed to spin around him as every hope he'd held since the Pacts began to break came crashing down.

"Cameron Walden is gone," Guardian continued. He tilted his head and gave Zechariah a mirthless smile. "'I will protect this woman,' you said," he said derisively. "'She will not fall to fear. Adina will fail, and we will grow stronger. I swear it.'"

Zechariah seemed to shrink, hunching his shoulders as Guardian laughed bitterly. "It seems you've broken your oath," the Draconian sneered.

"We can protect you. We will protect you."


"I promise. As I live and breathe, Miss Cameron... Adina will never lay a hand on you."

Zechariah stumbled backward and sat down heavily, his body sagging beneath the weight of his colossal failure. "No," he whispered, his voice cracking.

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