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The next day, once classes (and detention) had ended, Cameron waited patiently for Camilla to come in for her mandated counseling.

She waited...

And waited...

And waited.

And, of course, Camilla ended up being a no show.

However, someone else did show up.

Cameron (who had just given up on waiting for Camilla) brightened as Kimberly poked her head into the office. "Hey-hey-hello, Cam-Cam!" she trilled.

"Hey, Kim!" Cameron greeted her, walking around her desk. "I heard you were sick yesterday. You feeling any better?"

"Oh, mondo better!" Kim confirmed, nodding. "Just had a little bug is all!" She linked arms with Cameron as they exited the office. "What kept you here all day, huh? Extra homework from the boss-cat?"

Cameron laughed. "No, I... I was supposed to be meeting Camilla after classes," she admitted. "But... she didn't show."

"Really?" Kim said, surprised. "That's funny. I saw her leave with the other girls earlier."

Cameron sighed. "Figures."

"Don't sweat it, Cam-Cam!" Kim told her in a dismissive tone. "She'll come around eventually. She seems tough on the outside, but inside, she's really sweet."

"I wouldn't know. I've never even seen her," Cameron confessed with a chuckle.

"Well, if things go the right way, you'll be seeing a lot of her, right?" Kim pointed out, a twinkle in her eye.

Cameron shrugged. "I guess I will."

"Save the guessing for multiple-choice quizzes!" Kim pulled Cameron along as they exited the academy. "C'mon! Let's go do something crazy!"

"C-Crazy?" Cameron stammered. "Like what?"


Cameron slammed the door behind her and pressed herself against it, panting for breath. She was dressed in a water skiing wetsuit, evidence of the activity Kim had forced her to partake in on Safe Haven Lake. "Never... again," she gasped, ripping off her helmet and tossing it aside.


KayCee watched Cameron curiously as she got cleaned up and slipped into her pajamas. Let's see, the demon mused, how do we get this fishy to bite?

Then a large, crazed grin came to her face. Oh... now there's an idea.

Cameron flopped onto her bed with a groan. "How does every day feel longer than the last?" she grumbled, her voice muffled by her pillow. She let out a frustrated sigh—an exhalation that seemed to take everything out of her. In moments, she was fast asleep.

Wake up, my dear...

It's time to fear...

Wake up...



Cameron lifted her head slightly. "Huh?"


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