Chapter 6

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4 months later...

Jennifer's POV

I woke up at 2 in the morning not feeling Harry's presence beside me in the bed. I groaned and flutter my eyes open and he's really not here.

I went to the bathroom, our closet room, his office & even the balcony ... he's not there.

He left his phone on the lamp desk beside our bed, where could he be?

I sighed and rubbed my half-way past 8 months baby bump, and decided to go out our room and find him. Maybe he's downstairs in the pantry, hungry and eating.

As I was walking down this huge hallway, I stopped at this full-length mirror on the wall and looked at myself with this huge baby bump.

Weeks later, this little angel inside my huge tummy will finally be out to this world. And Harry and I's family is about to begin. I'm so happy about this moment in my life, Harry has always been there by my side. We went through everything, and we're still here, ready to become the family we've always wanted. I just love him so much.

I sighed, shook my head and smiled. I just couldn't believe the happiness I'm in right now.

I continued walking and I found this slightly opened huge door. And as I was beginning to be nearer, I can hear voices ... familiar voices.

I peeked at the small opening of the door and see a man's back, I recognized it it's Harry's. There's this voice also that sounds familiar, Harry's father ... and this voice of a woman. I took a peek a little more and started to fully recognize the woman's face.

Fran? What is she doing here?

And it was late until I realized that I completely opened the door due to my surprise. They all looked at me with surprise as well.

I smiled nervously. "Hey, sorry to be eavesdropping"

Harry walked to me. "Oh baby, you're awake"

"I was looking for you"

"I was just here talking with Dad"

Frank hugged me.

I looked at Fran still wondering why she's here. "Hey Fran"

She looked at my huge tummy. "Wow Jennifer hi... the last time I saw you, I can hardly see a baby bump." She giggled.

I smiled. "I didn't know I was pregnant that time though... by the way um, what are you doi-"

Harry interrupted me. "I know what you're thinking Jen, why is Fran here and what is she doing ... well Fran is my half-sister"

I slightly dropped my jaw. "Half-sister?"

minutes later

"So the whole 'Fran being my neighbour' was a part of your plan having me back from my amnesia?"

"Yes, I was part of the plan Jennifer" She smiled.

"Real smooth Harry, real smooth" I smirked.

He pecked my lips. "Well I wanted to do everything just to have you back"

"And you did" I softly whispered to him.
"Well congratulations on the baby though" Fran rubbed my tummy slowly.

"Thank you Fran... and welcome back to the family" I hugged her.

"I'm just happy she found us, I have always wanted to look for her" Frank looked at Fran.

"Frank, the thing is your family is complete now and I'm very happy for all of you" I smiled at all of them.

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