Chapter 2

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Harry’s POV

I woke up from the loud bang of the door downstairs. I sat up in bed and looked at Jen’s side, she’s nowhere to be found.

I looked around and saw a piece of paper taped on the mirror.

 “Do all the things listed below, you know how to play by my rules. I know it’s morning and your ass is too lazy but please, cooperate big boy. I love you. oh and yeah, Happy Birthday :)”

I looked at the calendar, shit it’s my birthday. I smiled, this woman is full of surprises.

I grabbed the long paper. It’s like a To-Do list.

A Treasure Hunt, go to our garden. It will make it easier for you. Find these okay?

A pretty pebble

An unusual rock


3 twigs

A piece of driftwood

A flower

Something colorful

Something small and green

Something that starts with letter H and J

And lastly, someone you think is a treasure. ;)

I can’t believe I’m doing this, this is too stupid, Jennifer. Well except for the last one. Someone I think is a treasure? I know she would cut me if I don’t find her. I laughed to myself.

As I find them one by one, there’s always a paper folded in two beside.

Happy Birthday to the best husband in the world. I feel so blessed to have found true love in your arms.

Not everyone is as lucky as me to be blessed with a husband like you. Thank you so much for coming into my life and standing by my side through thick and thin.

You are the man of my dreams. Always were and always will. 

A hundred candles to light up your Birthday cake would be less, compared to the amount of light and shine you have brought in my life.

You turn me on like no one can.

 Your Birthday is a reminder that we've spent one more year of your life in togetherness. As time goes by, my love for you keeps growing and maturing. 

 You’re my favorite flavor ;)

This might sound so mainstream but it really came from my heart….thank you for loving me, Harry. thank you. 

Last piece of paper honey, guess who has the 10th piece of paper?

This woman is such a tease. Now I gotta go find her. There’s no way she’s still here, I bet it was her who left when I heard the door close awhile ago.

I took a quick shower and headed to the office.


Jennifer’s POV

I can’t wait for Harry to arrive, I mean come on, where else would he find me? Just here at the office. It’s too obvious I know.

“Jennifer, don’t you think this surprise party is too obvious? He woke up without you beside him, he would assume that you’re planning for a surprise party.” Leah asked.

“Who said this party is my surprise to him?” I said smirking.

“Oh Jennifer, you never fail.” We both laughed and waited for him to come.

I smiled looking around his office. He isn’t lonely after all. He got his sister back, all the people here in his company grew to love him, no more harsh Harry. and especially me, I’m his forever.

I invited some of his college friends that I actually never met before, Christina called them for me.

I snapped out when the guard came running to the office. “He’s here!”

I squealed. “Okay, places everybody!”

“Leah, turn off the lights!”

 She groaned. “Too common for a surprise party.”

“Just do it” I playfully rolled my eyes.

I then grabbed the huge ribbon and placed it on my belly. God I look so stupid.

He walked in and what people normally do, “SURPRISE!!!!”

“Oh my god” He walked to his college friends and then our co-workers.

To Christina, Adam and Max.

I was at his desk waiting for him.

His eyes finally landed on me. “Well, there’s my treasure.”

I bit my lip and pull his necktie. I kissed him hard “Happy Birthday, my lovely husband.”

He smiled through our kiss. “Oh god I can’t believe I just said that.”

“What baby?” He asked.

“The word husband. I’m still not used to it. Oh my god I’m a wife.”

He wrapped his arms around my waist. “Yes, you are my wife slash secretary.”

“Ew! Get a room you two.” Leah yelled.

“You’re such a kill joy! Let me enjoy my husband for awhile.” I laughed.

The day went on and I was drinking at the corner of the office when Harry approached me.

“Baby, I love you. you know that right?”

“Yeah.” I replied.

“And you know in my eyes, you will always be beautiful.”

“Okay where is this going, Harry?” I placed the cup on the table and looked at him.

“I-uh, you’re beautiful to me baby but uh—what’s that on your belly? I mean, your fashion sense rocks, I- just think this ribbon is destroying your beautiful dress.”

I laughed. “You’re so cute. This ribbon isn’t part of my outfit, silly! This is my surprise to you.”

I clapped and went to the center. “Okay everyone, I’m just going to say something before this day goes on.”

My eyes landed on Harry. Oh my sweet loving husband, he’s all I need.

I smiled. “Harry, these past few months have been tough for us. Well, our relationship had so many downs but what’s important is that we’re together again. I believe in Destiny because without it, I might be still with Ben, not contented with the love I think I deserve. But here I am, still with you. Anyways, I could go on forever with this speech but I’m not going to because I am too excited to tell you my surprise. Your last birthday, it was when Christina came back to your life. And I found a new sister too, Christina, you are amazing. Thank you for being with us always.” I looked at her and she just blew me a kiss.

“Harry, I want you to welcome another new family member.” I felt a tear escaped my eyes when I removed the ribbon on my belly.

They all looked at me confused. Harry just stared at me. It was so silent.

I then broke the silence with those words I’ve been longing to tell Harry…. “I’M PREGNANT!!!”

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