Chapter 8

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Recognition, the feeling you get after  getting that very important client's 'yes'. Recognition, for how everything came together finally. How your soul was trapped in the shadows of doubt, fear, angst, and envy until she came along to break those walls for you and ruin you in a way you never thought you needed. Recognition, of finally seeing yourself in the real mirror right in front of you. Recognition, on finding someone who inspired you to do just that. Recognition, for surpassing the ruleless miseries presented to you, the undying patience you actually have to fake just to get through.

Recognition. In finally having that certain happiness you always wanted like a kid craving for that certain cherry lollipop.

You look around you. Everyone is there, especially the people who helped you with your happy ending.

You look at yourself. You look at the little angel you are delicately carrying in your strong arms. You look to your right side, you see your person.

You see her. Looking at the angel you two brought to this world. And just by looking at her and slowly swallowing down the reality of the happiness you're feeling makes your insides squirm up with so much joy that it makes you leak in the most unexpected and unusual sense.

Harry's POV

Jennifer whispered in my ear. "You're already crying" She added a minuend chuckle not to lose everyone's focus especially the priest in this church.

"I am not" I denied in the lowest voice I could probably let away.

"Yes you are" She answered back whispering and started to wipe my eyes with a handkerchief.

I just let her and chuckled slowly.

"Now don't be such a girl, I should be the one crying here." She is actually holding her laughter.

I jokingly rolled my eyes at her disregarding the fact that we're inside the holiest building known to human doing a holy ceremony to our dear little boy.

We tried to hide our laughter and I kissed her forehead gently.

The priest finally announced. "Welcome to the Christian world, French Dariel Connick."

Now, this family is official.

Jennifer's POV

"Say 'dada' ... 'daddy'? Daaaady?" I giggled looking over my husband and my son in our queensized bed having a good time. Well, good time only for our little French, whose giggles are over clouding his father's tired self from work as he's being played with him. And yes, not a good time for Harry for he has been trying to have French say his first word ever since he came home today, and he's not getting any luck even now.

"His first word will come naturally honey, don't push him." I snickered while walking to him.

"I know. I'm just practicing him." He leaned over giving me a quick kiss as I sat with them on the mattress.

"You want his first word to be 'daddy'?

"Yes!" He answered as enthusiastically like a kid with a cotton candy.

My genuine smile is evident as I responded and it grew even wider when I see him leave the bed and started to carry the baby and sway him gently and rhythmically appropriate.

I walked to them and kiss our angel's delicate forehead and turned to Harry.

"Are you sure you'll be the one to put him to sleep tonight?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2015 ⏰

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