Chapter 5

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3 months later

Harry's POV

"Well the baby's totally fine" The doctor spoke as she's staring at that small monitor where possibly our little baby can be seen. I smirked my eyes, I can't actually recognize the baby, all I see is this pea-shaped with a head thing. Is that my baby?

But either way, I can't help but feel something inside as I'm staring at the monitor ... something incredible.

"It's a boy" The doctor smiled at both of us.

I immediately smiled the biggest. I held Jennifer's hand tighter and kissed her lips.

She pulled away and smiled, looking deeply at my eyes. "It's a boy"

I can't believe what I'm feeling right now. I'm happy, everything is perfect. My dreams with Jennifer is slowly coming true.

"Now listen you two, just remember that Jennifer, don't stress yourself. If possible, don't work. You're growing quite a big bump now and you need rest all the time."

I nodded, smiled and answered her instead. "Of course doc"

I looked at Jennifer and she smiled at me.

Jennifer's POV

I confidently walk inside the office as everyone stares at me. I know, I look like a kangaroo right now. A hot kangaroo though. Ugh these hormones

I walked closer to my table as I see Leah stood up with her eyes widen.

I snapped my fingers in front of her. "Earth to Leah!"

She held my hand. "What are you doing here?"

I completely walked to my desk. I looked through the glass but Harry isn't inside, maybe he's in a meeting.

Leah stomped both her hands on my table. "What are you doing here Jennifer?"

I put my bag on my desk and completely sit on the chair. "What? I work here"

"You need to stay home, look at you ... you're pregnant."

"C'mon I got bored in the house. I'll stay okay?"

"Harry's gonna be mad about this you know"

I started cleaning up my desk. "Oh c'mon he won't"

Leah just shook her head leaving me.

Harry's POV

"I expect you to handle everything about that lunch tomorrow, okay Benny?" I instructed Benny as we headed back to my office.

"Got it Sir" He says as he quickly jots down whatever it is he needed.

"Make sure that you got everything settled before 8 in the morning tomorrow okay? We have to impress these clients"

"Sure thing Sir Harry"

"Good" And as I walked closer to my office I can recognize someone ... what is she doing here?

I stood right infront of her desk. "Jennifer, what are you doing here baby?"

She knows I'm going to get pissed with what she did so knowing her, she acted tough, chic and a bit sarcastic.

She keeps on typing on the keyboard and not looking at me. "Working ..."

I sighed, walked to her and kneeled to her height and smiled. "Baby, let's go home"

She stopped typing and sighed. She turned her computer chair to me. "I know what you're doing. i'm staying, I'm working."

"Baby ..."

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