Chapter 7

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Harry's POV

Wow. It just happened. My wife just gave birth.

I'm still in the chaotic paranoia of what happened earlier. All the screaming, 'Push Jennifer! Push!', the sweaty and actually terrifying face I see from my wife while pushing our baby out ... and finally, the little angel I see, my son.

Ah ... that was a wonderful moment. I'm a father now.

I'm standing right outside the nursery room, all alone just staring at Jennifer and I's little boy. He's peacefully sleeping along with the other babies in the room.

Starting this day, the day he's born, I'm already thinking about the many things I want to do with him as he grows up. I want to be the father he deserves to have.

I felt someone poked me. My father

"Oh Dad" I smiled and man-hug him.

He joined me looking outside the nursery room's window.

"How are you feeling?"

"I-I'm good ... Jennifer's delivery went great so I'm relieved." I looked at him and grinned.

"I mean, how are you feeling now that you're finally a father, with your own child?" He had smiles in his eyes looking at me.

I let out a breath and just stared at my little son inside. "I don't know ... but I know I'm happy, very happy. After everything that happened, I still have Jennifer, the love of my life and now ... we finally have the fruit of our love. We're a family now ... I'm very happy father." I turned to him and smiled.

He pats my back. "Congratulations son ..."

"But I'm nervous dad ..."

He paused for a second. "And why is that?"

"I ..." A breath lets out from my mouth for a moment. "I know I want what's best for Jennifer, our son, our family ... but I have this feeling that I can't do it. I'm nervous and terrified for that to happen."

"Harry, I know I have been a terrible father to you, and Christina and even to Fran ... but please don't be like me. Do what you think is right for your son, but listen to him as well. I know you'll be great, you can do it. And Jennifer, she'll always going to be by your side and I know you'll do the same to her. You love each other so much, that kid will grow well ... I'm proud of you son" He smiled slightly.

I felt bad though that my dad thinks that he really was bad as a father to us, but he is my father after all. I turned to him.

"Dad, don't say that. You are not a bad father to us. Okay at some point of my life, I believe that you were. But I realized, you just did what you think was best for us. You want us to have a secure future, more that mom wasn't here anymore. If I disobeyed you and went through and failed, what could happen to me? Stop belittling yourself dad, you are the father we always wanted. I'm sorry for all the things I did before."

He smiled. "That's the past now child, let's move on. Thank you for giving me another chance. I will always be here for you son, I will try my best to guide you."

It's good to finally have this moment with my father. I know we had forgiven each other before, but these words we let out just now made all sense. I'm happy to have my father back, I need all the help I can get. I start to understand everything he did now that I'm a father myself.

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