Chapter 3

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She's pregnant.

I just completely stared at her glistening and excited eyes. "Y-you are?"

She held a much tighter grip on both of my hands that she was already holding. "Yes!" She smiled the biggest, her teeth was showing. She's happy.

I am happy. I stared at her tummy covered with that huge ribbon she's wrapped up to, and came to realize how this exact moment is overwhelming for me ... for us.

I remembered the time we found out the same news and thought that we were going to be a family, and it turned out to be fake. That was a funny memory. But the real deal is, I can't believe this is happening ... after all the things we've been through, where we are right now.

"Harry! Harry!" She shook me.

I snapped.

"What? Aren't you happy?"

I'm just really surprised. "No, I am! Beyond happy! It's just I can't believe it"

She smiled and cupped my cheek.

"Are you sure this is real, not fake like the last time?"

She giggled as she cupped both my cheeks. "No! I visited the doctor the other day and she said I'm pregnant. There's an angel inside my tummy Harry"

"You're going to be a father Harry!" Christina gave me a hug.

I looked back at Jennifer, still not believing it's real. And I looked at her tummy with that huge ribbon ... and thought that maybe this is really the start of something new.

I hugged Jennifer and lifted her up, twirling us around.

I can hear her laughs. "Oh my god Harry, put me down. The baby!"

I did so. "I'm sorry ..." I untied the ribbon on her tummy and rubbed it slowly. "Hang in there little child."

I then kissed it softly as Jennifer massages my hair, smiling, looking down at me.

"Happy birthday Harry" She was smiling with tears. I just love this woman.

And I put my lips on the lips of the woman I love. Our kiss was passionate and real, like every time.

We slowly broke the kiss and pulled back. "I love you Jennifer"

She took my hand and placed it on her tummy, her hand over mine. She then looked at my eyes and smiled. "I love you Harry"

Jennifer's POV

Just a simple dinner for all of us. For his birthday. Me, Harry, Frank, Christina & Adam, Max, his closest friends and even Leah, Benny & Loren. Even if Mom and Jena are not here and already sent Harry their wishes, I can still see it in Harry that he's happy and contented of all the people he is with right now.

I just love seeing him happy.

My man stood up, raised his glass and prepared for a toast.

As much as he turns me on with that 'damn boy looking so fine' aura, I'm just happy seeing his genuine smile.

He looked down at me and smiled before starting his speech. I smiled back.

"Happy birthday to me!" And we all laughed.

"This year had been a rollercoaster for me. The turn arounds were risky, but the wheel stopped great. And I want to thank this woman beside me ..." And he looked down at me and held my hand tight.

I looked up at him, holding back my tears. He's going to break me in an ironic, beautiful way with his words.

Out eyes met and sparks fly throughout the words he's saying. It's just like it's the two of us saying our vows again.

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