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Dresden felt rebellious when receiving a letter from Jade. Mainly because she summoned him for a vis-à-vis audience. He was not certain about the intentions held by this girl who wed his brother. From all he heard Jade was not one to cross despite the fact she appeared completely cute and innocent. Normani once warned him the lass might fuel perception of herself being a ditz. Normani continued by voicing something she once heard from Jacob. He said all men have three faces one shown the world, one shown friends and family, and one shown none. Jacob explained this third one be the true face of a man. David elucidated this private self must be revealed for love to abound.

Being thick Dresden contemptuously scoffed at this free counsel. His reasoning being a lack of belief. Thus he chose to trust in his own wisdom whilst leaning upon his own understanding. Though one ought to have pity considering he lacked any true foundation enabling him to receive these words. Dresden can not be faulted for gleaning a poor harvest sown by others.

Day of the meeting Dresden was in Kansas City awaiting Jade. She requested they meet at two P.M. which would be fifteen minutes after her business meeting. Jade was not the least forthcoming with details. Only details Dresden received were those considered pertinent by the other party. Thus he presently awaited her arrival at a local ma and pa restaurant down in City Market. Apparently they owners were quite discreet.

At one forty-five a female of average height wearing a long loose ankle length skirt and a loose fitting blazer. Her locks was covered by a hair wrap. She wore neither cosmetics nor jewellery of any kind. Her feet were shod with professional looking flats. First glance suggested she was White. Only a few would recognise her being of mixed heritage. For better or for worse none present recognised her face. Her conversation spoke of elegance tempered with true humility. Though her voice held traces of American Midwest there was an older accent defining her speech.

Without hesitation she went straight to where Dresden sat. Said she, 'Hello Dresden.' Dresden, 'Who are you?' Said she, 'I'm Jade.' Being a Marine he noticed there was a natural tone of authority in her voice. Some would call it velvet covered steel. Dresden wondered briefly whether this was a product of her being around his brother. Admittedly he knew little of the life Jacob led.

Dresden, 'Why'd you want to met me?' Jade, 'Have you ordered yet?' With exasperation he could only reply in the negative. Jade, 'Good after we eat I'll answer your questions.' Dresden, 'Fine.' What kept him civil was the feeling this female would gladly place his balls in a vice with great glee. Dresden could not be certain whether it would be metaphorical or literal. Hence the decision of being polite. He knew for certain this girl was not dainty or delicate as some would perceive. Normani once said her friend Jade was a shy girl. Dresden thought shy might be a rôle she would play. Either this or something erased any traces of shyness from her.

After the plates were collected Jade initiated their conversation. Jade, 'How much do you know about me?' Dresden, 'I know you were in Little Mix and that you chose to marry my brother. Beyond this I don't actually know anything.' Jade, 'Recently we sponsored someone here in KC to build a studio. They willingly agreed to be part of the Wish Maker brand. After six months my sisters decided I should do a surprise visit to check on our investment. You understand we needed to see the fruits of our labour. Anyway it is why we're meeting here instead of somewhere else. Any questions?' Being wise Dresden knew 'No ma'am' was the only proper response. Jade, 'But we're here to discuss your stupidity. Tell me why you abandoned Normani. Know if you lie I'll gladly castrate you.' Thus confession poured forth post haste. He could not and would not admit this girl instilled the fear of God in him. Though those interacting with her consistently noted she possessed a quiet authority removing need of raised voices.

Dresden, 'I left her broken hearted because I'm not what she needs. She needs someone who can give their all.' Jade, 'Are you bloody stupid or simply born that way! Jacob would be distraught if I killed you. Don't think of me as any less. I get you're afraid of loving her but there's two options for you. Option A is you humble yourself and build your relationship.' After a few moments Dresden enquired, 'What's the second choice?' Jade, 'It's not one you'll like. Option B is I find the ugliest crack whore to rut with you then become your wife.' Dresden decided it best to not call her bluff. Hence he replied, 'Yes ma'am.'

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