Johnathan Archer descended from a long line of American military personnel. One of whom served during the War of 1812. Then two forebears fought on opposing sides of The War Between States. Oddly the Federal wed a Southern belle whose steadfast loyalty was unto the Confederate States of America. Her devotion never wavered despite passage of time. She chose to wed this Union soldier to save her family from ruin. Johnathan was surprised when discovering correspondences revealing these two shared a deep abiding love for one another.
Prior to shipping off for boot camp Johnathan was arrested for a misdemeanour. He was in the right place at the wrong time. Fortunately it was a suspicion having him and five others arrested without evidence. Whilst in county jail his world was destroyed.
A lawyer visited Johnathan explaining both his grandparents and parents were dead. Preliminary investigations suggested an armed robbery gone wrong. All parties were inside the home of his grandparents when the incident occurred. None of the investigators were able to explain why the house was burnt unto the ground. What they did know was the burglars were inside when fire started.
Johnathan was left with a sizeable inheritance plus the family home in southern Missouri. His sister received nought considering she was raised by their parents. Comparatively Johnathan was adopted by their grandparents. After the incident he stayed three months with his sister then shipped off boot camp.
After completing basic training he transferred unto Ranger school. Afterward he transferred West Point military academy. Johnathan graduated top of his class with no marks against him.
Now prior to graduating high school Johnathan completed JROTC (Junior Reserve Officer Training Course) and ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Course). During his school years he worked his way through Boy Scouts to become an Eagle Scout. Johnathan also received the Ranger rank in Venture Scouts. In both cases he received all available awards and honours available.
Serving in the First Gulf War Johnathan received a Purple Heart. This is what forced him to leave the Army. When enough time past he visited doctors who provided him a clean bill of health. Deciding to try something new Johnathan enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. As one of Uncle Sam's Misguided Children he became head of the motor pool at a Forward Operating Base (FOB). During this tenure he befriended a fellow Fobbit. These two met in Afghanistan during the Second Gulf War.
FanfictionThis tale of ours begins promptly eighteen months after David Filipskiy wed Amanie Illfated. Normani Kordei Hamilton begins opening herself unto the possibility of love. The dream she holds onto steadfastly is to find one who equally stirs her heart...