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St Francis Seraph was an actual Catholic church constructed during the eighteen hundreds. This was constructed to accommodate rising number of immigrants and others residing in East Bottoms of Kansas City, Missouri. Certain liberties were taken whilst maintaining historical accuracy. Hence why for this fable St Francis is listed on National Registry of Historical Sites. Because of serious lobbying by mutual groups St Francis was reluctantly placed on national historic registry list. Thus the successive owners were required to maintain outward appearance of all structures. Despite these buildings were resemblances and not originals.

Presently the former church was a Messianic synagogue with services Yom Echad through Shabbat. Previously the Catholic church provided residential quarters. When diocese decided they could not support this church it was offered unto a local parson. This individual was from a wealthy megachurch located in Los Angeles, California. This particular church was your proverbial corrupt Christian organisation specialising in all manners of greasy grace via an ever soft message of honeyed words. They were the ideal and stereotypical First Frozen Chosen whose primary focus was monetary growth within context of Churchianity. The preacher hailed from an East Coast family whose wealth was considered new money. This parson soon return unto their former church congregation entirely abandoning all their Midwest ministry work. After death of second preacher former parson established a perpetual monetary trust account with PNC Bank in Kansas City, Missouri. This was secured calling in favours from his congregational laymen and clergymen alike. All those tapped were interested in further whitewashing their souls.

Being concise requires acknowledging the second preacher died in hospital from their fourth heart attack whilst receiving leukaemia treatment. No precise verdict was every rendered for cause of death.

Our tale involves a rabbi who practises Messianic Judaism and became third helmsman. Pray note the Catholic bishop suggested Simchat Torah as working name. Simchat Torah be when all sales were finalised though none would ever change the name. Though official name in full is Simchat Torah Synagogue.

The rabbi involved in this tale be a fellow in his fortieth year of life. He is an officially ordained Orthodox Jewish rabbi. Though post and prior this ordination he learnt and was initiated into many faiths.

The residency Dresden escorted Normani unto is joint domicile owned equally by Endeavour Entertainment and Wish Maker Studios.


Siblings of Jacob Grimm are Dresden Schmoker and Ananda Schmoker. The former and latter each were a fulfillment of their name. Dresden though was named as an etymological homage unto the family heritage.

Ananda was raised by biological family. Furthermore this daughter wed a man named Saqr who descended from Middle Eastern and Hindi stock. Their wedding occurred five years prior the wedding of Dresden and Normani. Saqr and Ananda were wed in a private ceremony effectively assorted aspects from various faiths. The smooth syncretism surprised all parties. Though none were more surprised than bride and bridegroom. Now when Ananda and Saqr met he was barely solvent.

Saqr was predominately of Bedouin descent. Though the entire Middle East flowed through his veins. Excommunication by hand of his Muslim father forced him to depart with a small amount of travel money. His steadfastly devout Hindu mother abstained from interference betwixt father and son. Despite the severe row his father kindly established a trust for investment money. Saqr was required to wait five years ere it became accessible. Now complexion was dark brown associated with Indians mixed with olive complexion of Middle Eastern.

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