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The local church was a megachurch built to conform unto dimensions of former shopping mall. For in another time such was the purpose of this structure. Then an enterprising visionary chose this location to serve the advancement of G-d. Not too surprising were malcontents who said 'this temple of Baal spoke honeyed words to tickle the ear'. These selfsame dissenters spoke saying this church was 'counted amongst them who should have Ichabod written on the lintel for selling greasy grace'. More audaciously bold individuals likened this specific megachurch unto World Church Of God when Herbert W Armstrong was helmsman.

(Let the record show a remnant of this congregation departed for Messianic Judaism when first pastor died. Though this was a fragment broken from larger whole. The larger division equalled one fourth of the entire congregation. Those outside the remnant were sown into various other faiths. Daughter of first pastor went to join herself with the Baha'i.)

Now only heaven knows what provocation moved this church calling themselves Apostolic Remnant to host a community gathering. More interesting of developments was not the required dress code stipulating either formal attire or semi-formal attire. Nor was it the fact they closed their entire car park for this event. Though it was interestingly noted free food and five dollar admission fee were quite an incentive. Nay, each of these was the least interesting development. Rather Normani performing tracks from Heartstrings was the most remarkable occurrence of the eve. For despite genre label not one song aligned with the Roman faith. Thus no mention or intimation of anything Christian. Instead Normani used יהוה and יהושע both when appropriate. Additionally the songs gave adoration unto El Shaddai whilst bestowing none upon the son of Adam. Normani learnt scripture does not support giving shachah unto יהושע. Three days hence Guidepost magazine would interview Fifth Harmony about the Heartstrings album.

Transcribed verbatim from this interview was Normani saying, 'This was my way of practising emun.' Interviewer noted in the text emun being used contextually as 'I support [God].' Verbatim also was the exchange '"Interviewer, 'Tell us the evolution of your chosen sound. And explain to us the inspiration of this album.' Normani, 'Well I wanted it to reflect New Orleans music but still be slow enough for dancing and marriages and other special events. More important to me than another album was sharing my home with my fans and with fans of Fifth Harmony. But my inspiration was With This Ring. A friend randomly had it sent to me saying I could do something similar. They also suggested I could enjoy playing the album when hosting date night at my place.'"'

Adoring the body of Normani was a gown strikingly similar to what Halle Bailey wore during her performance of Can You Feel The Love Tonight. The differences being how bands encircled her torso across top of bust line and the tear shaped spaghetti strap going around her neck to front centre. Though to array herself with this ballgown required Normani to pull it over her head via the skirt. Dinah, Ally, and Lauren honoured their word by convincing her the gown was received via post. Adding weight unto this conviction was the detail about it being from an anonymous sender. Though only concession to further adornment was solitaire round moonstone set in platinum band. This was the ring Dresden specifically purchased whilst shopping at Tiffany & Company despite what he chose initially.

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