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Friday preceding the festival Normani decided to humble herself by appearing ere Jacob. This was with knowledge she would appear for the Shabbat service. They sat in the common room considering Jacob adamantly refused to speak behind closed doors with a female other than his love.

She explained how her heart felt rent in two by a desire not quenched. After Normani finished speaking Jacob quoted Shir HaShirim, 'Set me as a seal upon thine heart as a seal upon thine arm. For love strong as death, jealousy cruel as the grave. The coals thereof coals of fire, a most vehement flame. Many waters can not quench love, neither can the waters drown it. If man gave all the substance of his house for love, it would be utterly contemned.' Normani, 'Jade's right about you speaking in parables. But for those of us not initiated we're needing you to translate.' Jacob, 'The best teacher tells you where to look without giving you the answers.' When the door opened Normani hurriedly rose from her seat with a look of guilt upon her face. Little Mix returned from running errands and from spending time with eight kinder born from the loins of Jade. All four girls noticed the scene of their mate being afraid as though she ought to be ashamed. Jade spoke kind words unto Normani knowing her beloved committed no wrong. Ergo no apologies were necessary from any party. Prior Normani departing Jacob provided her a hardback copy of The HalleluYah Scriptures. When opening it for the first time she beheld where her friend wrote, 'Shema Yisrael Elohinu [יהוה] echad. You shall love [יהוה] with all of your heart, with all of' This transliteration contained the Tetragrammaton written in Pictorial Hebrew.

Tradition and custom dictate following Shabbat a communal meal be held. This meal we call the love feast. After everyone said their goodbyes Little Mix and Fifth Harmony returned unto their quarters on foot. The bairns accompanied them considering Jacob was called upon to be assistance for a matter within the assembly. All four Fifth Harmony girls received a twofold mild surprise from this request. One, he was not an official member of this congregation. Two, Little Mix girls were not the least shocked by what appeared to be an odd request.

Whilst en route unto their joint lodgings Fifth Harmony fell into comfortable conversation with Little Mix. Jesy took point by answering why there was lack of surprise. She said Jacob speak further with the one who provided an exhortation called The Exodus: A Reminder. He thus inadvertently made himself known as historiographer and archivist within his former congregation. Naturally Jade was called upon to elucidate the closing teaching. With the patience of a kind teacher she walked her compadres through judgements upon Mistsrite deities. Then elaborated how the seven moedim aligned with future events.

One of the Fifth Harmony girls said, 'I thought he was autistic.' Perrie provided an answer, 'He is autistic. But his relationship with Jade helped him become more stable.' Leigh-Anne took up the thread, 'See you can't cure Autism and an autistic never changes to neuromajority. On occasion they meet someone who helps them create minor changes. Don't forget Autism is a spectrum where no two are identical. What worked for him might or might not work for another.' Jesy, 'When we attended HORSE they taught us relationships always change those involved. Jade aligned herself with Jacob because something within her called unto him. And vis versa. Like us attending Shabbat and observing certain restrictions is showing love towards our sister. We daily make the choice to love one another by deciding to respect and honour what they value.' Jade was moved unto tears by the impassioned defence her sisters provided. Thus all movement ceased when she turned around to give a warm embrace unto Jesy, Perrie, and Leigh-Anne.

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