Chapter 19 - The Worried Father Pt II

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While Severus continued to pace the floor that night, back at Hogwarts, Zinnia's scowl was deeper than ever.

Scorpius looked quite pleased as they sat side by side, sharing their first dinner together, in the Great Hall.

Around them, everyone was excitedly chattering away.

Zinnia picked at her food miserably while Scorpius spoke with another first year Slytherin boy who sat across from him.

"Well, we're in!" The other boy exclaimed to Scorpius.

"Yeah!" Scorpius replied with enthusiasm, "Now we just have to not get expelled!"

Scorpius and the other boy laughed but Zinnia's interest was piqued.

".....Expelled?" Zinnia interjected curiously.

"Yeah, you know? ......Thrown out......Sent home forever." The other boy shrugged as he glanced over at her.

Sent home forever~.

Those words sounded like a melody to Severus's daughter.

"......They can do that to you?" Zinnia asked.

Neither Scorpius nor the other boy noticed the look of hope on Zinnia's pale face.

"Oh, absolutely." Scorpius replied, eager not to let Zinnia think that the other boy was the most knowledgeable.

"What do you have to do? Er......Why would someone get expelled?" Zinnia asked with feigned concern.

"Well," the other boy answered, which earned him a scowl from Scorpius. "My sister told me someone got expelled last year for attacking a classmate. I suppose if you display.......sort of...,.generally terrible behavior. If you break the rules a lot."

Zinnia paused for a moment and brooded over what the boy had told her.

Generally terrible behavior~.

Attacking a classmate.....

"Dreadful." Scorpius remarked as he shook his head in disapproval of the events in the other boy's story.

It only took Zinnia a moment to make her decision along with her plan.

"Scorpius!" Zinnia said suddenly.

"Yes?" Scorpius asked, looking over at her with a happy smile.

The youngest Malfoy was overjoyed that Zinnia wanted to speak with him and that she had even correctly remembered his name!

"I apologize in advance for what I'm about to do." Zinnia said politely.

Scorpius blinked in confusion at Zinnia.

The next minute was the most frightening that Scorpius had experienced so far in his brief life.

Zinnia stood up from her seat, grabbed Scorpius by the collar of his robes, and pulled him up to crush her lips against his own.

Scorpius would have been elated if Zinnia hadn't pushed him away and removed her wand from where she had kept it hidden in her robes.

In a manner that truly reminded McGonagall of Severus, Zinnia stepped back from the table, took a dueling stance, and swung her wand elegantly behind her head all the way around as she shouted, "Ex......pelliarmus!"

Zinnia struck so fast that Harry didn't have time to intervene, although he was both mortified and amused by what he witnessed.

Scropius's grey eyes widened as he was blasted helplessly across the room.

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