Chapter 42

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Chapter 42 - Smiles

"Ma, I'm ready!" Kid shouted as he ran down the stairs and into the living room. He knows that you are still gathering your stuff in your room, but he felt the need to inform you.

"I'll be down in a sec, Kid. Make sure you have everything!"

With that, the redhead strolled to the kitchen in hopes that you had cooked breakfast. And lo and behold, there's bacon and eggs on the counter. What did he expect? You weren't one to neglect breakfast, even if your schedule is fully packed. Food would always be readily available if he wants to, and his growing appetite is highly grateful.

As Kid shoves his portion down his mouth, he could hear you possibly making a mess upstairs. It appears you are looking for something, with how every cabinet is being opened. At times like this, the lad has to wonder how you can memorize multiple business contracts when you can't even remember where you set your phone.

 "Mom, what are you searching for?" Your son inquired, having strolled back up with his plate. Amber eyes followed along with your form as an amused expression settled on the child's face. 

Your yellow suit is unkempt, with few buttons of the undershirt open. If it weren't for the fact that your hair is tied in a neat bun, then it would have added to your disheveled appearance. Good thing your bag is prepared-whatever you're rummaging for is the only thing missing.

"I can't find the document I printed last night. I'm sure I placed it in an envelope and left it on my desk, but..." You answered, drifting off by the end as you search under a cabinet in hopes that it dropped there. Of course, you could print the document again; however, you wouldn't want your files to fall into the wrong hands -no matter how insignificant they are. 

"Oh, you mean the one you asked me to hold?" Kid blinked, tilting his head at the reminder. He had placed it down on the counter when he went hunting for breakfast. It's still there when he went up here. 

You gape as you slowly glanced at your son. The boy continued to munch on a piece of bacon as the two of you stared at each other. You would have thought the boy is questioning your intellect if it weren't for the fact that he's too much of a sweetheart to consider that. But he definitely giggled at you -which is fair.

"Ugh, thanks, Kiddo. You're a lifesaver." You sighed, ruffling your son's hair and giving him a quick peck in the forehead. "My mind has been all over the place this past few weeks."

"New contract?"

"I guess you can call it that..." You hummed, letting the redhead hold your hand as the both of you walked down the stairs. "I'm going to frequent the Helheim these oncoming months, so you'll be with Adam or someone else. Would that be alright with you, Kid?"

Kid thought about it for a second, wondering why he can't just tag along with you. But then, he remembers that your job isn't as innocent as ordinary people perceive it to be. And it's far dangerous for a child to be lost in it. 

"It's fine! Please be careful." Were the only words that the lad could say. He would simply have to trust that you'll be coming back home on time.

You smiled, ruffling your son's hair before focusing back on the path ahead. No matter how beat up you are or how late you arrive for dinner, Kid would always be understanding of it. He would scold you from time to time, but never once did he ask to join along. 

That's a topic even he is unsure if he's ready to talk about, especially with how you try to dodge the discussion in detail. Maybe he doesn't want to know, after all. And honestly, you feel relieved to see that the boy isn't interested in that dark world. 

Taking care of Kid (Modern AU) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now