Special [ 2 ]

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Special [ 2 ]

This chapter doesn't follow or affect the storyline.


"...The country is therefore put into quarantine. Let us all practice social distancing, wear face masks, and stay at the safety of our home."

You frown as you follow the news about the lockdown. A lot has been happening these past few months and suddenly a new virus has been spreading around the globe.

At first, everyone thought the virus wouldn't cause too much damage. However, when it continued to circulate, the government has decided to put the country in a massive quarantine.

You bit your lip in concern, seeing that only one person per household is allowed to go out and buy necessities. Though, as much as that is a good thing to prevent too many people from going outside, it also serves as a slight problem for you.

Since your son can't handle staying away from you for too long, you don't know how he'll react to being left alone in the house. Fuck, you don't even want Kid to be unattended here.

That is where the problem is. How the damn hell are you gonna go to the mall while your son is isolated here?!

Even if the council allowed you to have Kid along, you're still not going to fucking bring him!!

The virus is much more resultant to the young and older generations. And seeing that your son is a toddler, you're not risking it!

You grumbled under your breath before glancing down at Kid. He was completely unaware of what is happening in the outside world. It made you quite envious.

"Kid, ready to go upstairs?" You asked the little redhead.

The sudden mention of his name was enough to gather his attention towards you. As a new mother, you are quite proud of yourself for choosing that name. It was safe to say that your son liked it as well since he was quick to turn to you whenever you call for him.

Kid gave you a small nod in answer. Giving him a small smile, you proceed to carry him and his toys up to his room.

Once you were settled down at the mattress, you let your son continue to play for a little while longer. You fiddled with his fiery hair as you scrolled through your phone.

Your mind was still occupied on the predicament that you are surely gonna face once no more food is left in your home. As much as you want to ask some of your workers to buy groceries for you, when it does come down to it, you know that they'll be cooped up at their own houses as well.

Also, since most of them live a lot farther from you. Your home resides in a secluded village, which doesn't do much of a favor for you right now.

Giving another long sigh, you continued to watch stories from your friends' accounts. Not much we're going on except most of Shanks' gang would be staying at his house during the quarantine.

You don't know if that is allowed since that isn't really practicing social distancing. However, you remember that Shanks practically live in a mansion so all of them are technically gonna be 6 feet apart from each other.

Taking care of Kid (Modern AU) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now