Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 - Disgusting 

It has been 3 days since you decided to adopt a kid. You didn't actually know how to adopt one, yeah what a nice future parent. BUT WHO GIVES A FUCK ANYWAY!!

Well..... apparently your friends fucking care. In the past 3 days, you have been bombarded by calls and text messages asking if you really are gonna adopt a kid. On the first day, you did answer the calls, confirming that you are planning on doing so.

But you didn't tell them that you don't know how to cause that will surely push them to stop you from adopting.

The damn calls kept coming so you just gave up soon after and just placed your phone on silent.

Thank fucking goodness you have a different phone used just for calls and messages.

Now, wouldn't you like to know how all your friends found out? That idiot hawk, you're gonna kill him once you see him.

Apparently Mihawk called Shanks informing him of your plan and Shanks being the loudmouth that he is spreads it all around the underground. That fucking red hair doesn't think before he acts. Now your possible child could be in danger. AND YOU HAVEN'T EVEN ADOPTED ONE YET!!!

You know that it will be known anyway but fuck, not that fast!!! You damn well called Shanks when you found out. He gave some pathetic apology saying that he'll protect your future child as well.


Anyway, the past 3 days have been quite eventful for you as well. When you came home you quickly went into google. Well duh, how the fuck would you know how to adopt a kid??

You found out that you just need to go to an orphanage, pick a child then sign some papers. Yup, that easy.

Well, not that easy. But that was the fucking point you got from searching on the internet.

Anyway, you quickly searched for an orphanage near you and fortunately, there is one. But its some rich ass pompous orphanage. To visit the place, you need to book an appointment and there you can meet the children they are taking care of. Of course, you booked an appointment after you found out.

It took a damn while for them to process it since a lot of people want to adopt a kid. It's a fucking trend I tell you.

Well, the appointment is today and you are excited and nervous as fuck. There are other couples that would be adopting as well so it was kind of nerve-wracking.


You got out of your car once you parked in front of the orphanage. You looked up at the big sign plastered on the roof, 'Twinkle Orphanage'

Okay... That was kind of underwhelming. But meh, you don't care.

You got inside then walked up to the front desk. You saw three couples seated on the couches placed on the side. They look rich as fuck.

"Ms. L/N is it?" The woman at the front desk smiled at you.

You smiled back at her before nodding, "Yup that's me." Better act nice. You're a future parent after all lolz.

"Oh? Are you all alone?" She asked once she looked around for a bit.

"Uhm yeah, being a single mom would be hard but I can handle it." You smiled at her. This bitch thinks you're not capable of being a single parent.

She sheepishly smiled at you before handing over some papers. "Here ma'am, just fill up these papers, after you're done just give it back to me."

You just nod at her then walked towards the couches with the paper on hand.

Taking care of Kid (Modern AU) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now