Chapter 45

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Chapter 45 - 5 years go a long way

"Kiddo, it's still 6 in the morning. Let me sleep in a bit more..."

"Come on, mom! I want to go jogging with you!"

"Hm... 10 more minutes."

Yellow hair swished in the air as a man strolled up the stairs. The stranger peered through what little hole there is in the mask he's wearing, accustomed to each door and decoration there is in the area. Visiting the house every week and staying in the guest room every month has made it a haven for him as well. 

The blonde halted in front of a red door, staring at the faint markings that prove just how worn and old the place truly is. He gave it one last once-over before moving to the chamber beside it. The man knocked as he entered, sensing the change in atmosphere. No matter how vacant the room has been during the past years, it always has a notable feel from the rest of the house. 

Must be why his leader likes to sleep here. But then, another reason stood above that. 

"Kid, it's 11 in the morning. Wake up." 

The redhead under the sheets simply growled in annoyance, shifting in his sleep before trying to return to his slumber. Kid is well-aware of whose voice that was, not even bothering to give his right-hand man any two cents -he's not going to leave this damn bed. 


"Fuck off, Killer."

The yellowhead sighed, strolling to the bedside and taking a fistful of the black comforter. The sheets would always feel brand new when they come over for the weekend, almost as though someone is taking care of the house. The massacre soldier has an inkling of who it might be, but then, discussing it with Kid would surely put him in a bad mood.

"Don't even think about it." The redhead warned underneath the cover, conscious of the slight force on one side of the comforter. The idiot is already gaining a temper just thinking about leaving; being forced to wake up is not going to help at all.

"We have a business deal to complete. If you don't get up now, we'll be late." Killer informed again as he yanked the cloth off his captain.

Amber eyes greeted the right-hand man. The annoyance and irritation were completely evident from Kid's form. It appears the crew has to exert twice the precautions to make sure they won't be targeted by flying weaponry. While the civilians simply have to play a game of luck.

"That bastard can wait. He's the one buying from us, after all." Kid snarled as he got off the mattress, making sure that the bed was correctly arranged while at it. 

Killer watched his leader closely, noting the gentleness in every move the man made. Fourteen years since you were proclaimed dead, and twenty-one years since the massacre soldier met you. The yellowhead will be lying if he says he remembers every detail of your face. The only reason he hasn't forgotten is because of the photographs that Kid keeps in his room and the pictures scattered all over social media.

Kid puts on his goggles, ensuring the gift is not going anywhere but his damn forehead. He also strapped on his dagger and his gun as he moved almost robotically. Lastly, a fur coat tied everything together, resting on his shoulders almost like a hand holding him in place. The 21-year-old brute has to stop himself from ripping the comfortable coat off, annoyed with his own hallucinations.

Every element attached to his body are ones he deems essential -someone has to rip these off his dead and beat up form before he lets anyone take 'em.

Taking care of Kid (Modern AU) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now