S i x t e e n

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I listened to this when I wrote it, I think it fits well with the chapter. or maybe it was because every song first with the chapter when you listen to it. I don't know.

* * *

Let's skip the talk,
What if we found a way to get lost?
Without fear, leave it all behind we're escaping

This is Heaven - Nick Jonas

Kendall Jenner's POV

(11:56 AM Thursday)

Ace was crying again. Apparently, his food is not enough and he wants to play. I'm just carrying him around now because that's the only way to shush him. 

When I felt as though my arms were about to break, I heard the doorbell ring. I sighed in frustration, put down my cup, and made my way to the door, Ace bouncing dangerously.

When I reached the door, I swung it open without a second thought and gave whoever that was on the other side a cold stare. Turned about to be Nick Jonas. (I'm being sarcastic)

"Er-- Hi, bad time?" he said, looking at Ace nervously. 

I clicked the end of my mouth and gestured for him to come in. "Shut the door behind you," I said, unbothered to look back. "What do you wanna drink?" I asked as I tried to put Ace in his chair. His legs were oddly bent making it slightly impossible for me to put him in without dislocating his leg.

 His legs were oddly bent making it slightly impossible for me to put him in without dislocating his leg

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"What are you doing, his legs," Nick said right behind me. I jumped and turned to face him, " Oh my fuck, you scared the shit out of me, what'd you do that for?"

He laughed, "Sorry, just give him here and fix the chair. I've got experience with Kev's daughters."

I was curious as to who this 'Kev' was, but handed Ace over to him, and he wasn't lying, he really had experience with kids. He handled them so beautifully. I can totally imagine him as a dad.

I fixed the chair and Nick placed him inside. We both stood up straight and he reached a hand out for a high five, "Teamwork makes a dream work," he said cheekily. I laughed and returned a lousy high five.

"Well, what do you wanna do?" I asked him. he cringed and looked at Ace, "You've got a kid to watch, I'll just assist you for the day!"

I smiled nervously, "Right. Ace. He'll probably want us to play with him, but right now, I need to feed him. It's lunch, we should probably also get something to eat.

Nick thought for. bit and raised a finger, "I'll watch him, you go cook something for the both of us."

I frowned, "What, I'm supposed to be the one in mom training here," I bickered, making him scowl, "Yeah, but I don't know how to cook and I don't want to give the both of us diarrhea, so... you choose."

I gave him a look and nodded, "Fine. But I'm only making spaghetti, I don't know how to make anything else," I warned him.

He gave me an obvious look, "Well, look at that, I LOVE spaghetti! We're part Italian so we love pasta," he told me truthfully. My jaw dropped; "You're Italian!?"

"Well, no, part Italian, but yeah, my mom's part Italian, so..." He laughed nervously and scratched the back of his head, which I just realized how his hair was looking.

"Nice haircut," I told him.

His hair was longer than the last time I saw him, which was the first time I saw him. It was like some kind of taper, which was really nice. The side of his head was in a fade that look really good since he didn't look like his head was the longest thing ever.

He smiled at me, "Thanks. I've always wanted to try this hair out. You think it looks fine on me?"

I nodded, "It looks fabulous. Now, hurry, Ace is gonna start crying, and once he does, he will never stop." I gave him a ferocious look and shook my head as he laughed.

"Hurry," I said again in a sing-song voice.

"Alright, where's the baby food?"

* * *

I finished mixing the sauce and the pasta and put them in the pan to cool down. It was too hot to eat. And besides, I noticed that Nick was being a little quiet. I mean, even Ace was quiet.

I have to check; he might have been murdered by Nick or something, I can never be too careful.

Plus, that's not possible, the camera crew's chilling with him. He'd asked them to keep the lens down for the time he was here and they actually agreed. Like, wow. I could never have gotten the crew chief to do that.

I peeked around the corner and saw that he was bent down next to Ace, waving his hand around. Ace was showing him different sorts of things and he was actually engaging with the baby. I'm totally surprised.

I decided to watch a little longer, and my thoughts trailed off to if he and I had a family. I know it's a little too soon to be thinking this way, but what if we had had a family together in the future? Wouldn't be too bad, would it?

OK, snap out of it, Kenny, he definitely does not like you, and you are being paranoid. Besides, you keep acting like this and he may be out of your life forever!

I don't want that, I like being friends with him. 

Hold on, you wanna be just friends with him or... that other thing for him?

Shush it, I'm not there yet.

"Why're you watching them like that," said a voice behind me. I turned to find the crew chief staring at me from her cup. I tried to hide the nervous look on my face and shrugged, "It's always so nice to see guys with kids."

She nodded, "Yeah, it is. I'm not gonna sound invading--"

"You already are," I mumbled under my breath.

"but do you like him?"

The question threw me off-guard as my knees buckled. "What? No, I don't like him like that, I just met him, why would I?"

The girl chuckled, "I mean, he is Nick Jonas. It actually is the only reason I chose to listen to him when he asked me to put the cameras away for this time only. I never would have done it for anyone else."

I snorted out a laugh, "Hah, yeah, you wouldn't even listen to Kourtney when she said to put the camera away from her when she was on her phone call."

"That wasn't me, that was Trent, he doesn't listen to anyone but your mom."

I nodded, "I'll go get Nick lunch, now. Can you er--" I thought about Khloe's words; "Sorry, but I just want to make sure you're doing it correctly," Khloe said. "It's like a test, almost."

I gulped and shook my head, "Never mind, you go have some rest."

_ _ _

Here's another chapter, got a lot of motivation, but I THINK I'm going to fail at my maths XD. Not even listening to my math teacher lol.

Thanks for reading, don't forget to vote.

One question, though, before you leave:

How do you think they are going to end up?

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