T h i r t y - T w o

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I HOPE YOU LIKE THE TRACK. Whoops, caps lock was on!

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He's so tall and handsome as hell
He's so bad, but he does it so well
I see the end as it begins,
My one condition is

Wildest Dreams - Taylor Swift

Kendall Jenner's Mind 

(10:40 AM Friday)

"Hey, Hails," I said as I chopped my carrots. Hailey coughed, "Hey, babes, how are you?" she asked, making me sigh. "Everything's doing alright but I just have a small request," I said without much hesitation. Hailey let out a small laugh, "Sure, I'll do anything for you."

I sucked in a deep breath, "So basically, I met someone two weeks ago," I said, clearing my throat as I paused my cutting carrots. "And... he won't leave me alone," I said, choking on my saliva. I wasn't aware of the fact that a tear was trickling down my cheek.

"Kendall, hey, are you OK?" Hailey asked me, concerned. 

I wiped it away quickly, "Yes, yes, I'm fine. I just— I don't like him, and I want him gone," I said, unable to stop my sniffly voice. Hailey was quiet for a while, and so I continued. "He won't leave me alone because he said his brother dates Gi, and as long as that's happening, he will not leave me alone."

"Who is this jerk, anyway?" Hailey asked, quite aggressively. I couldn't help but laugh through my tears. "He's not exactly a jerk, but you won't be able to handle him. Nick. You know him, right?"

"What, Nick who? Nick Jonas?" she guessed. "That's the only Nick I'm going to guess cause he's the only one close to your age. I'm not expecting some old man like Nicholas Cage to be hitting on you." 

I laughed, "Well, yeah, him. Are you in speaking terms with him?" I asked her. Hailey hmm, "Yeah, he came over a few times to hang out with Shawn one time... Well, lots of times, but I usually avoid him. He's unbearable."

"Oh, that's cool..." I said, ignoring the last comment.

"So what do you want me to do?" Hailey asked. "Talk to him?"

"Well, that could work, but he probably won't listen to you, and I don't want it to look like I spoke to a bunch of people about that small little comment of his. And, I don't want him to see me as weak."

Hailey chuckled, "You could slap him any day," she said, making me laugh. "Punch him in the face, more like," I said, jokingly. "But I heard he knows MMA," Hailey said, quite worried.

"Pfft, who cares? He'd never hit a girl," I said, echoing what Joe said to me ages ago. "He's got a soft spot, but he'll kill anyone who'd lay a finger on you," I said, mostly speaking in my perspective.

"Well, that's nice..."

"Hails, he's not supposed to be nice, remember!?" I snapped. "We're supposed to be trying to get rid of him. Do you have any ideas? I have a few, but they're not really necessary until things get out of bounds. Besides, I feel like my idea won't even bother him, it'd hurt others instead..."

"OK, then, we don't need to hear it just yet," Hailey said. "How about I talk to him, first? It's a simple first step, but I might be able to persuade him, y'know," she said, quite passive-aggressively.

I raised my eyebrows, "When you say persuade d'you mean beat the crap out of him and egg his house?" I said, trying to stile a smile and stay serious. Hailey was unsure, "I mean... Your choice, but I can do either."

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