F o u r t y - F i v e

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I hope you like the song, i have just become familiar with this one, but every 1D song is awesome, so... i guess this is just one of those!

If we go again
Another go-round for all of my friends
Another non-stop will it ever end?

One Direction

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Nick Jonas's POV

(11:00 AM Monday)

I slammed my car door and stepped out of my car, fixing the rim of my slacked shirt. A man with blonde hair and a scruff was standing in front of my door in a blue suit. He looked about 27-28. Seemed like a nice guy, but I wasn't in the mood of being nice right now.

I identified everyone here as mood-wreckers because I had just missed lunch with my girlfriend's family to be here. But I don't know, I wasn't sure if I wanted to meet Kendall's family, just yet. They all seemed... toxic. 

"Hello," the guy said, sticking out his hand for me to shake. I took it. "The name's Eddie and I'm here to try and bargain the property back for you," he said, smiling a toothy grin. I swallowed a lump in my throat.

"OK, so... You're on my side?" I said, making Eddie laugh. "Uh, practically everyone here is on your side, Nick, it's just that we can't fight the authorities on this. The state's takin' it, man," Eddie said, his face turning serious. 

I nodded. "OK, so... is there nothing I can do about it?" I said, hopefully. Eddie pressed his lips together and shook his head. "No, I don't think so, man, we've tried— I've tried everything, and... the state's not giving in. Says we have to do what they say or we'll get arrested."

I couldn't help but laugh

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I couldn't help but laugh. "Arrested? Really? I'm just a simple guy trying to get my house back and they're going to arrest me, just after they tried to take my house away for no damn reason?" I said, feeling quite attacked. Eddie hung his head, "I'm sorry man, but don't worry, I have something for you after the contract-signing shit."

I liked this guy.

We made our way into the house that was now being wrapped up in plastic and went into the living room where a middle-aged man was sitting on a plastic-wrapped couch. He was shuffling through a pile of contract papers.

Eddie cleared his throat, making the man look up at us. He had a damned messed-up face. "Hey, Tom," he said, making me realize that this guy was the guy I spoke with on the phone this morning. 

"Hello, Eddie. Hello, Nick," he greeted, getting up. He stuck his hand out and I clasped it harshly, squeezing his hand. Eddie sort of notice how hard I was squeezing it, so he nudged me. I let go, but the angry look on my face stayed there.

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