T w e n t y

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The song is *whoo!* better listen to it to get the vibe. But if you're going to skip the scene, I don't blame you. I took the lightest and the first one I saw :D

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So take it off, let's break down all of our walls
Whenever I wanna see it all
I don't wanna cool off, let's cross the lines lost,
Right now, I wanna see it all


Kendall Jenner's mind

(11:29 PM Saturday)

I left him outside while I went to shower, and I think he's asleep. I don't know. I haven't heard him move or trash around. He might be a silent person, I don't know.

I took a few deep breaths and stared at myself in the mirror. Did he mean what he meant? He said he loved you so clearly, it can't have been the alcohol speaking, can it?

The alcohol brought out the truth, or was it because he was intending to hurt me? He would never, he's not that kind of guy.

Kendall, you don't even know him, how are you so sure?

Because he's not. 

Yeah, but he seemed so determined...

Determined to do what, exactly? He is the nicest man I've ever met-- And I lived with Scott.

I took a shower and went outside. The bed was ruffled in an odd way, but Nick wasn't there. I could tell he WAS there, but he wasn't anymore. The sheets were ruffled from when he got out.

"Nick?" I called out, getting a bit scared. 

Did he leave? Maybe, he could've left... Why though, he seemed so determined to stay. He begged me to.



I spun around. Nick was in his briefs, shirtless. His abs were slightly noticeable, but my attention was on his arms. They were bulging big, and I thought that when he wore a t-shirt, it could not get bigger. 

But it looks like it could.

My eyes trailed down to his briefs, where his dick was bulging through his pants. I gulped down a ball of saliva that was stuck in my throat.

"What, you were calling me," Nick repeated, snapping me back into reality. I could tell he was trying to sober himself up, but that's not possible unless he had at least 5 hours of sleep.

"Um, where'd you go?" I asked, hoping I didn't sound intruding.

He looked as if he was trying to hide a smirk, "Nowhere. I just went down for erm... water," he said, making me suspicious.


"Yes, beautiful Kendall?" he said, making me laugh.

"Stop, tell me what you were doing down there," I said, backing up as she moved closer to me, a keen look on his face, or something.

"Why? You concerned?" Nick said, smiling and licking his lips continuously.

"A little, just tell me," I said.

He froze and looked dead serious. I have to admit, I was a little scared...


"...I wanna know something." I was certainly scared now. "I've never been in a relationship for a whole three years," he slurred, taking steps towards me. "And... I know you're not the type of person to sleep around, so... when was the last time you had real sex?" 

Last Night | Nick Jonas x Kendall Jenner {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now