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i hope you guys are doing good, here's your track. please, vote and comment, and don't forget that follow!

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I know I'm not so innocent,
But the love I had for you was real
Hope it hurts you when you think about it
But both of us just have to dip

Outside - ZAYN

Kendall Jenner's POV

(8:03 AM Tuesday)

A shrill scream was ringing in my ears as I shot my head up. I squinted as I saw myself, moving quickly, across a hospital hallway. I tried looking up, but whoever was pushing me kept pushing my head back down. After about 5 seconds, I felt myself violently shaking, as my arms started to numb.

"Kendall, calm down!" I kept shaking as I heard that distant voice. Some kind of invisible person was holding me still, and as I felt a slap across the face, I started to look around violently, the scream still shrill in my ears.

"Khloe! Why'd you do that!?" 

I shook my head violently as I sat up. I was in my mom's room, in our old house. I shut my mouth after I realized that the scream was coming from my own mouth.

Gulping down a ball of saliva, Kim staring at me strangely, I glanced at mom, whose eyes were hawk-like as she stared, intently, at me. She raised one of them as if to ask me to explain myself.

I didn't know what happened, but all I could remember were the scenes in my head. I had been covered in blood, and whoever that was holding my head down... Oh, I will have him in my head forever.

"Hey, Kendall, what's up with you?" Khloe said, unhelpfully. "One second you were winning at Poker, then the next second, you're screaming your head off like an uncontrolled banshee!" She hissed, making Kim grasp her arm harshly.

"She wasn't really winning, but yeah, she was screaming her head off," Kim said, vividly. I gave them both a puzzled look and looked down. I was sitting at a table with my legs crossed. I was sitting on the hardwood floor, but I had a cushion underneath my butt.

Mom gave me a concerned look, and turned hastily to my older sisters, "OK, you two, she was winning, and she was screaming her head off. Now, Kendall," she turned to me, "why don't you tell us your part of the story? I'm sure we'd all like to know why you just completely dropped your cards like you just a had a frickin' seizure and started to scream your fuckin' head off."

She said it all calmly, and so I started to stammer, "I don't— I don't have any idea I was even playing—" They were giving me weird, totally fake, looks, and so I quickly corrected myself, "I mean, yes, I knew I was playing poker, but I don't remember how I dropped my cards or anything—!"

"Calm down, Kenny, speak slow, nice, and stop trying to sound as if you're trying to cover up a murder," Khloe told me, her sarcasm definitely not helping. 

I gave them all a long look and sighed, "OK, I'm totally fine. I came here to just relax—" Kim let out a snort of laughter, "Please, you came running up to the door like a homeless skinny bitch who hadn't eaten for days, I don't see how you had the intentions to come here and relax."

Khloe, mom, and I gave her a 'seriously' look, and she rolled her eyes and let out a gritted groan, "Why is it that whenever mom or Khloe says something sarcastic, or stupid, none of you guys give them any of these looks you're giving me?" She retorted, making Khloe smirk.

"That's because you're horrible at being sarcastic," Khloe told her. "I'm good at it, and Kourtney's really good at it, that's why she looks as if she's not even trying to be funny and sarcastic. You sound like you're just copying people," she said, making Kim glare at her. "And copying people will never make you funny. Trust me. EVER."

I sighed as they seethed at each other and started to get up, "OK, guys, relax

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I sighed as they seethed at each other and started to get up, "OK, guys, relax. Thanks so much for havin' me in whatever this is, I'm gonna go—"

"Hold on, sister, you're not going anywhere!" Khloe said, getting up, too. I let out a groan of despair and looked at mom and Kim, who was struggling to get up due to her big behind. "You're being weird, and when you ran up to the door all pale and breathless, don't even think we'd let you go without calling a private doctor to check on you!" Khloe said.

I sighed and plopped myself back down on the couch. I don't even know why they even sat on the ground in the first place when we could've just sat on the couch. "Seriously, guys, I'm fuckin' fine," I groaned, hoping they would let me leave. I couldn't give them one hint of me puking, because I'm just not ready for them to find out just yet!

Khloe exchanged glances with Kim, and she turned to me, "OK, I'll take you home, Kendall," Kim said, making me widen my eyes in surprise and stand up, making me about a foot taller than her. 

"Really!? You'll really let me go?" 

Kim closed her eyes in patience and looked up at me, "Yes... no, not exactly... but come on, if you don't feel comfortable here, you should head home."

I beamed and took my older sister's hands, "Thanks so much, Kimmie, I'll just go and get my stuff and go home—"

"No," Kim insisted, badly as she stared into my eyes. "I will be the one to take you home and that's it. No more words comin' out of you, we're going. Come on, take a jacket, it's a cold night. December's comin'."

I couldn't help but smile as I turned my heels to follow Kim out the door. But there was just something that was sort of wrong. It was like a lingering feeling after you've just gotten rid of a dead body... The feeling that you think somebody else knows.

And in this case, I think Kim knew something.

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Hello, beautiful people! Thanks for reading, feeling in a lot better mood today after I've just reached like, 1.8k, and now... I'm goin' for the 2! So, after about a week in my hell of a farmhouse, I am finally heading home tomorrow!!!! You cannot believe how happy I am right now, but still, I will try to update this for you guys as much as I can!

I have a feeling this might be the first story to ever become successful, so, keep voting, sharing, and make sure to comment your thoughts! I love you so much, thank you for making every day so special for me. (Waking up to find votes, comments, and even follows!)

Last Night | Nick Jonas x Kendall Jenner {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now