Chapter 2

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The next day I woke up at 10 o'clock when I heard mom calling me through the intercom 'Stella? I and Ben will be out the whole day long. We've got some shopping to do and also are going to buy the last things you need for school tomorrow. If you're hungry just ask Kelsey to cook you something. We'll be back late, so don't wait for us. Bye!'

I was too lazy to answer so I just ignored her. Yaay, so now I'll be alone at home the whole day long. I hope you got the sarcasm.

After I got up I took a quick shower, put some light make up and some comfortable clothes on and went down into the kitchen for breakfast. I still can't believe how big this house is. I almost got lost twice on my way downstairs.

'Good morning sweetheart, are you hungry? I made some lovely pancakes.' Kelsey greeted me.

'Yes, please. That'd be nice.' I immediately got my breakfast and then added 'Thank you. Where are Karina and Judy?'

'They are out in the backyard playing in the sand-box. And the boys are in the gaming room I think. Maybe you should go there later.'

'Uhm yeah, I'll think about it. But I don't really want to play with some kids or anything.'

'Ha, what do you think how old they are?' Kel laughed at me.

'Dunno, maybe about ten? Mom never told me how old they are.' I asked confused.

'Oh sweetheart, they're both 17. Tyler just turned 17 two weeks ago and Nate about one and a half month ago. They are both in the same grade as you are.' She smiled.

'What? Never!' I protested, spitting out the piece of pancake I had in my mouth.

After I calmed down I decided to go and look after the boys. I was interested in how they would be. I expected some ten year old, childish boys to be my siblings. Not some high school juniors.

When I entered the gaming room after searching for it for about fifteen minutes I immediately noticed that they weren't ten year olds but definitely were acting like boys that age. As I could tell they were wrestling for the last bottle of coke. Typical male.

'What the fuck..?!' I laughed and they instantly stopped and stood up to look at me.

Both of them were much taller than me and beefy. The taller one had medium long dark brown, almost black hair and dark brown eyes. The other guy which I could tell must be Tyler because he exactly looked like Benjamin just in a younger version had short brown hair and sparkling blue eyes.

'And who are you' this I-believe-it's-Tyler-guy asked me in a annoyed tone.

'I'm Ella, Mary-Ann's daughter. I arrived here yesterday.' I stuttered dazed by the two hot guys in front of me.

'Well then nice to meet you, I'm Nathan but just call me Nate' the taller boy smiled

'Nice to meet you too,' I said and got on talking when I noticed that Tyler wouldn't say anything 'what are you doing?' Ty just stared at me, looking angry all the time.

My small talk conversation with Nathan lasted for about twenty more minutes until Kelsey called through the intercom that lunch was ready. Tyler was the first running out of the room downstairs into the kitchen and Nate and I followed slowly.

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