Chapter 10

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Sooorry again for not updating earlier. :') 
If you still want two new chapters of 'My stepbrother, his best friend and I' in one day vote on the story description for my story "How to live a double life"

Hope you like this new chapter and comment to get a chapter dedicated to you. ;)
- M. xx

Tyler's POV:

As i woke up in the morning I instantly jumped out of my bed to run into my brother's room. Yes, Nate is like a brother to me and that's why I was so scared off what i was planning to do now.

Because yesterday after Danny had dropped me off after our date i started thinking. Thinking about things that eventually had to be done, no matter if i wanted or not. So i decided to do them sooner than later and it's fascinating how easily Danny had changed my mind, without even trying to. 

I mean i wasn't going to shout it out to the whole world, but Nathan really should know about it.

I knocked on Nate's door and as i heard him grumbling inside his room i decided to enter. I mean what's the worst thing that could happen, i've already seen him completely naked plenty of times before. 

As i opened the door luckily he was just lying in his bed and being not too happy about me interrupting his sleep.

'Nate, i need to talk to you. It's really important. And I'm not sure what your reaction will be so please just let me finish what i have to say before you interrupt me.' I said, fiddling nervously with my fingers as i sat down onto his bed. 

In the same moment Nathan sat up to listen to me carefully. He looked tired and his eyes were still half closed but i knew he was paying his full attention to me.

I started breathing heavily as i definitely wasn't ready to tell him or anyone else yet. But i have to, i already started so i can't back off anymore now. 

'Nate, I'm.......I'm gay. And I'm dating Danny...well we only went out for the first time yesterday, but i'm sure it could be something. I'm so sorry that i didn't have the guts to tell you any sooner, but i just couldn't. That's also the reason why i asked you to stay together with Claire, she saw me kissing Darren Evans from the track team the other day and said she would tell the whole school if you didn't get back together and stay with her. I was just so afraid that anyone could find out. And I'm still fucking scared of coming out, but if you want you can break up with her. Sure she'd tell the whole school, but I know you like Stella and i just don't want to see you being unhappy because of my selfishness.' 

I'm sure i had never talked as fast before in my entire life, but it felt good to have it all off my chest.

Seconds passed and i was waiting for Nathans to answer, but he didn't say anything. Deep in thought he was looking into the air, past beside me. Just as i thought that i wouldn't get a response anymore he hugged me. Tighter than he had ever before. 

'How could you idiot think i would react badly to it.' Nate laughed, sounding a little bit hurt, 'God damn you're my brother and we get through everything together, remember? I'm just happy you told me now. And don't worry about Claire, I'm not going to break up with her, not as long as you're not ready to come ou..' i interrupted him before he could finish his sentence.

'But what about El? I know you like her and it really wouldn't be fair that you cant be together with her just because of me.'

'Don't worry TyTy' I hated when he called me that, 'Technically I'm not really dating Claire as she's just blackmailing, so it's not cheating if I date Stell's. Claire just shouldn't find out about it' 

Now he was smiling at me and all i could say to him was a big 'Thank you so much Nathan!'

'But what's much more interesting, how long have you known?' Nate smirked as he asked me this question.

'Well, quite a while...but we're not at a girly hen party. So i'm not telling you about Danny either, not yet at least', now i had to laugh because Nathan just couldn't take anything seriously and was already tickling me once again. That's what i loved about my brother, he always supported me and everything always ended up in a tickling manly..

Nathan and I spent the whole day together, talking about absolutely everything and nothing at the same time. It was already 10pm as we had just gotten a huge pack of popcorn and two bottles of coke from downstairs as we went back to the gaming room to play GTA V.

I never thought Nate would react  so good when i told him i was gay. I mean i know that he would never hate me, no matter what happened, but to know he was alright with it and happy for me lifted a huge burden off my shoulders.

As we went past Stell's room on our way to the gaming room i heard her talking to someone.
I couldn't properly hear what she was saying, but i heard that she had mentioned my name.

"Nate, go on ahead. I need to talk to Stella about something" i told him and smiled to show him to not wait for me. As soon as he was around the corner i pressed my ear onto my future step-sisters door.

"Danny, i fully understand what you mean and i know you only want his best, but are you sure you want to involve him in that? I know you went through a hard time and i'm so so happy that you're on your way to get happy again. I really am, it broke my heart to see you like this, but just be careful with him okay, please...................Yes i know you would never want to...............okay, thats's great. So how was thedate yesterday?"

It sounded like El was talking to Danny on the phone, obviously as she said she would call him today. And clearly they were talking about me, but why? And what happened to Danny that he 'went through a hard time'. I really wanted to know but i couldn't ask Stella, otherwise she would know i was eavesdropping. 

So i decided to just go back to the gaming room where Nathan was waiting for me. He had already set up everything and was ready to play.

"So what did you have to talk about to Stell's?" he smiled while asking. I could tell that he really liked her because just mentioning her name always brought a smile to his face. And the last time I saw him smiling while mentioning Clair's name is ages ago when they very first came together. 

Not even back then he was as happy as now and him and El aren't even really dating yet. 

We played for hours until we finally decided to go to bed because tomorrow we wanted to go to the park skateboarding, something we haven't done in years. 

Now that Nate knows, everything's gonna get a lot easier  i'm sure about that. Because today was the first time after a really long time that we spent the whole day together just doing boys stuff and talking about thinks that really mattered to us.

Over the last couple of months before Stella and Mary-Ann moved in with us the relationship between Nathan and I had gotten more and more distant just because I couldn't talk to him about stuff that really bothered me.

Like that thing with Claire. 

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