You lay on Eren as the plane flew through the air, your head was throbbing and your stomach was turning
You'd been on the plane for about 12 hours, so you'd be home soon
In the morning before you all left for the airport you and Eren had to rush packing, that night before you had completely forgotten everything not that you cared about anything... you both were drunk
"you okay?" Eren asks while he held you tight, somehow he wasn't a bit affected from all the drinking, but you were going through pure hell
Not to mention you woke up and your period had started, everything was really fucked up
"No" you groan while pushing your head in his chest, Letting out a sigh Eren started rubbing your back
" just calm down, do you want anything?" He was trying to comfort you, "yes, i want food" and it was kinda working
He grabs a menu giving you a look at it, and whatever you wanted you got.
After eating you push the armrest up and lay in Erens lap, a smile appears on your face as you smell his cologne, he always smelled so nice
You slowly drift off to sleep while Eren runs his hands through your hair, massaging your scalp
"OUR FLIGHT HAS JUST LANDED, THANK YOU FOR FLYING WITH US" The loud announcement woke you up
You sat up,watching people grab their luggage and step in the isle
Eren stood up grabbing the two bags you kept in the plane with you, the rest of your stuff you'd get in the airport
After getting off the plane, you check the time " It's 4pm so do you wanna go eat?" you ask Eren
His nods his head while waiting for your luggage to appear, " i'll be back" you walk away to the bathroom
You took a moment to clean yourself up and change yourself, can't keep hygienic items on for too long!
Once you left Eren was waiting with the bags, Your parents walk up from behind him
"Okay, let's go" your dad orders while walking toward the exit
Ever since yesterday everything was awkward, if Eren wasn't there you would've been alone and had no one to talk to because your parents were so deep in their own problems
The drive back to your parents house wasn't long, just as you got back you and Eren threw your bags straight in the car
The two of you check to make sure you had everything you came with, you gave out hugs and goodbyes and left
" God i'm ready to get home" you complain while waving your hand out the window
Eren chuckles, " homesick?"
You nod, "who wouldn't be after being on a plane for that long, but I had fun on the trip until all that 'were done' shit went down"
On the way back home the two of you stopped at a restaurant, and afterward continued the drive
You took a few more stops on the way, but not too many
Finally, once you got back home you ran in the house throwing your bag on the bed along with yourself, flopping on the bed you stare up at the ceiling
"Time goes by so fast" You mumble to yourself
"it sure does, just remember when we first met, and now i've met your parents" Eren jokes while standing up in front of you
"Eren..." You felt the urge to tell him something, well more like make him promise something
" promise me we won't end up like my parents, no open relationship, no cheating, no lying to our kids, none of that, just us in love" Your voice was quiet but you were being serious
Grabbing your hand and pulling you up, he sat beside you and gave you a kiss
The warmth of his hand on your face felt comforting, " i promise" He said with a smile, you could see he was being genuine
" I promise to love you, for as long as you'll let me"
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