A Scare

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"Please let me In y/n" Eren bangs on the bathroom door that you locked

You were shaking, you missed your period!

But if this was what you thought, it's your fault.

"no, wait until the test shows" You yell, the fear consuming you

"shit, hey come on, just calm down please" Eren changes his tone trying to be gentle with you

You sat the test on the sink then slowly walk up to open the door, Eren immediately grabs you, hugging you

"Eren, I don't want kids now" You cry, though you did just say how much you wanted him to breed you a few weeks ago

You push your face deeper in his chest, the warmth of his body calmed you down

"You don't need to be stressing like this baby" Eren seemed concerned for you

"come sit with me for a little" He held your hand so you'd follow behind him, the two of you sat on the couch

resting your head on his shoulder as he booked all kinds of appointments

"Okay, we're gonna go out and get your mind off of this" Eren puts his phone in his pocket before standing up in front of you and helping you up

The two of you took showers and got dressed for these plans he had

Before leaving the house you check the test again, which wasn't showing a thing yet.

"Ready to go?" Eren asks while reaching out for your hand, of course you grabbed it and nod

Walking through the lobby the workers as usual wave and say something nice

"Have a good day!, and Ma'am you're glowing today!" The worker compliments even though it made your anxiety come back

Eren pulls you closer his arm around your shoulder, "whats wrong?" He was curious as to why you suddenly seemed to be anxious

"I heard, when you're pregnant you glow"

Eren laughs, "you don't have to be pregnant to glow y/n" He assures before unlocking the car

The whole car ride you spend your time asking google questions, which only made you feel even worse

"What are you gonna do if I am?" You ask, you were curious on how Eren felt about the situation

"I mean I love you, so I'd love our kid too, but it's your choice at the end of the day, If you don't have one now there's always later" He finally gave you his opinion which sort of calmed you down a bit

"I would ask how you feel but it's obvious you're scared" Eren raises the windows down knowing you loved the feeling of the wind rushing past you

"honestly, I am scared. But I'd love the kid, it's just the fact that I have goals and things I want to achieve and I want to be successful before I bring a child in the world, So i know it'll have a great life with everything it needs and wants" You threw your hand out the window feeling the fresh air

"Well for now Lets just relax, calm down, and try to enjoy ourselves, we'll deal with everything once we know for sure"

You really liked how supportive Eren was, It made you love him even more than you already did


"Welcome to Serenity Spa, go sign in and get seated. Someone will be with you shortly" The greeter says

Eren let you sit while he signed in, and shortly after one of the workers got the two of you

"Couples massage and spa treatment Deluxe? am I right" The lady asks, Eren gave her a nod

"The changing room is this way, and My names Carla and the other employee who will be joining me is Mandy" The woman said before showing you to the room

"You're body looks beautiful" Eren compliments while the two of you slid everything off

Finally the two of you began the massage

Mandy was good at her job, the way she relaxed your muscles and made you feel good.

The massage was perfect

Afterward You and Eren got a facial along with you getting your nails done and he got his cleaned as well

The whole process took a good 3 hours, and the entire time you and Eren enjoyed each others company and spoke about everything you wanted to

"Thank you" The two of you thank the workers

You stood behind Eren while he payed for the spa, "$300" you whisper in his ear surprised but not too surprised

He swipes his card then signs the receipt before turning around toward you

"Come on" he grabs your hand pulling you behind him

Sitting in the car before pulling off you thank Eren for the day

"I'm not done yet though."

"I'm gonna cook for you tonight" He leans over giving you a kiss on the cheek

"I wanna make sure you stay relaxed and unbothered for as long as you can."


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A.N. :  FTK!!! do you all like the new cover?

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