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You jump around with happiness, "Negative" You felt the stress lift over your body once you seen the test

You and Eren had been waiting for about a week or two for the true result, and thank god it was negative

You text Eren that you have some big news for him and that tonight the two of you would be going on a date

He was in class at the moment, luckily you had the day off

Erens graduation was coming up, two more months to be exact

"I wanna get him something nice for that" you whisper to yourself

You sat on the bed, switching positions; moving around having a hard time figuring out what to get him

You wonder if you were his only support knowing all that happened to his parents...

If it were you graduating you'd wanna be taken somewhere special, and do something fun there

"He did say he wants to fuck me all around the world" You joke to yourself before getting out of bed, maybe a nice bath could help you think better

Sitting in the tub, the foamy bubbles cover you up, the smell of lavender fills the bathroom

You were sure you were gonna take Eren on a trip, but where to?

Maybe tonight during dinner you should bring that up, but in a sneaky way

"If you could go anywhere where would it be?" You practice

"Is there a place you've always wanted to go?" You continue before shaking your head

sinking lower in the bubbles you blow making the bubble move away

humming before closing your eyes

what were you gonna do?


Eren was in the shower while you got dressed, you wore a nice mini dress, and finishing the outfit with some cute heels

You spray yourself before walking toward the mirror for a look

"You look-" Eren walks out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his lower half, his body dripping and wet

"I look what" You ask while walking closer toward him, a curious look on your face

"You look gorgeous" He flicks your face up before giving you a kiss

You were in the bathroom doing your hair and makeup as Eren got dressed, you didn't do anything heavy

"Ready?" Eren stood between the door, his cologne spreads through the room

You gave him a slight smirk while thinking about all the things you'd let him do to you at this very moment

"yeah, let's go" You walk toward him waiting for him to move out the way but he stood there blocking the entrance

He slid his hand down your waist, then around to your ass. Gripping it he pulls you closer, the two of you staring each other in the eyes

"Fuck I'm so glad you're mine" Eren whispers before kissing you

"Lets go now, maybe later I'll give you something else that's yours and yours only"  You flirt before sliding past him

You turn around to see Eren quickly catching up to you with a smile on his face

the two of you left for your date, which would be unforgettable once the night was over

𝔖𝔱𝔯𝔦𝔭𝔭𝔦𝔫𝔤  𝔉𝔬𝔯  𝔥𝔦𝔪Where stories live. Discover now