You randomly woke up, you grab your phone to see what time it was."3am" you whisper to yourself, you look around seeing Eren sleeping beside you
You quietly slid out of bed, going into the kitchen you warm up some of your left over food from dinner. You sat down eating until you felt full, scrolling until you got bored with social media
You usually had no problem sleeping all night without waking up between hours, but not tonight
You stay up for about an hour before you went back to your room, you brush your teeth before getting back in bed
You toss and turn trying to go back to sleep, but you really couldn't
Eren must have felt you moving around because he reached out to you, pulling you into his arms. His warm body comforts you, this time you actually could sleep
_ - _ - _ - _ - _ -_
You wake up still in his arms, your eyes squinting from the sun shining through. You wanted to get out of bed, but then again you felt so comfortable on Eren
"I'm coming in" Your dad says
He threw the door open with excitement, "I have an idea" He said while staring at you, "Can't you tell me later?" you ask, he shook his head then started laughing "you know not every idea includes you" Your dad insults
"Me and Eren gonna spend some man time today and you and your mom go somewhere, hell for all I care the two of you can stay here but me and my son are gonna go out!" He said while walking toward the bed
"Eren wake up son, it's about to be 1 in the afternoon, and we got things to do!" Your dad yells trying to wake Eren, he achieved his goal seeing Eren wake up with the same angry face from friday morning
"Okay Eren, get up, get dressed, we're leaving in a hour or two" Your dad informs before leaving
"Always yelling early in the fucking morning" By his words you could tell Eren wasn't to happy about your dad waking him up like that, though he got out of bed and went into the bathroom, and you followed behind him
The two of you brush your teeth, then talk for a bit
While Eren took his shower you did what he asked, you got out a pair of underwear and socks, you sat on the bed on your phone as Eren got dressed
"Don't be looking at other bitches Eren." You joke, The two of you both laugh "I know my dad, he's gonna take you to some club full of girls, places where a lot of skin is gonna be showing" You put your phone down then stood up
"But you know there's only one girls body that ever crosses my mind" Eren flirts while giving you a smirk, he walks toward you his strong cologne fills the room, he places his hands on your waist, pulling you closer he stares you in your eyes for a second before giving you a kiss
"how do I look?" he whispers while pulling away, "good as always" you say still stuck on the kiss, lately the kisses have felt different, better, it's hard to explain.
Eren slid his hands off your waist then walked away, "Have fun" you watch as he turns around giving you a small smirk "see you later y/n" He said as he left
Your mom walks in right as Eren leaves, "Well since your dad and Eren are gonna go see girls, you wanna go see some men" Your mom asks giving you a slight smirk
You gave her a half smile, "How could I say no to that" you laugh even though you weren't really sure if you should go
The two of you go your separate ways to get dressed, you wore one of your new outfits, leaving your hair wet since you knew the humidity would ruin the style if you put any heat on it