Chapter 3

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Tw- smoking, angst, 

Also Listen to the song up top while reading its one of my favorite songs ever :)

George's POV-

The bright sun shines in my eyes waking me up, I didn't open my eyes though but I heard someone playing the guitar and singing a song, he was so sweat and gentle that I could just fall in love with. His voice made me fall In love.

"And maybe I will be able to ask you loud enough... and I say, will, you, marry me. I swear that I will mean it When I say will, you, marry me" 

I recognized the voice as he sang the lyrics of the song. Wilbur? Opening my eyes I see the back of Wilbur. He had no shirt on and was at the desk which had a bunch random stuff on it like books, school assignments, and...cigarettes? It also had the little thing where when your done with a smoke you just put it there when your done it looked like I littles bowl. I lifted my body off the bed blanket still wrapped around my body, I noticed he had a cigarette in his mouth and frowned, 

If he keeps smoking. Then he'll hurt his lungs and won't be able to sing the sweat song anymore...

I lift my self of the bed, grabbing the blanket off the bed. I silently walk to the desk were Wilbur sat singing and smoking. I gently wrap the blanket around his shoulders and hugging on from behind. "Wilba, if you keep smoking like this you will hurt you lungs and won't be able to sing songs anymore. So please don't smoke" I said hugging the tall brunette tighter. He stoped singing and putting his guitar on its stand. He didn't say anything but still kept the cigarette in his mouth. "George..." he spoke turning around to see my face, he had small tears in his deep brown eyes. His round frame glasses were pushed up against his noise and his hair was as floofly as ever. "Wilba...don't be sad here" I said wrapping my arms around his body holding him. He again didn't say a word he just wrapped his big arms around my body, returning the hug. "George..." he spoke holding me tight, I didn't say anything once again, I removed my hand from his grasp and I grabbed the lit cigarette out his mouth making sure the fire on it was gone before putting it in the bowl beside us. 

Then I returned my hand back to the teen and holding him tight. "'s ok just let it out" I'm a split second he burst out crying. He lauded his head on my shoulder and cried in my shoulder. We sat in silence the only thing heard was his sobs, I rubbed circles in his back helping him calm down. "Shhh it's ok let it all out" I said again as he cried harder. He then pulled me to sit on his lap. I didn't say anything I let him pull me In his lap. Watched as he wrapped my legs around his body and place my hands on his shoulders. "Wilba, how about you go lay down and I'll go make you some food alright?" I said getting of his lap. He let out a mhm of agreement, I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the bed and lay him down. I pull the blanket over his body keeping him warm. "Ok Wilba you stay here while I make breakfast" I told him walking out the bedroom door. I heard the tall brunette say "ok George" before I walked out of the room. Walking down the hall, I walk down the stairs and to the kitchen. 

I walk in the kitchen, I open the fridge and get out the ingredients I need so I can make eggs.

After making the eggs bc I don't know how to cook-

I grab two plates from the cabinet and place them on the counter next to the stove we're the cooked eggs sat still in the pan. "Ok let make the plates now" I grab the spoon and make the plates. After I'm done I grab our forks and the plates and walk up the stairs carrying the plates upstairs. I spent on the last step of the stairs before walking down the hall way and going to wilburs room. I then find myself standing in front of The bed room door unable to open it. "Um... wilba! Can you help me Please?" I yell out the door so he can here me "ok give me a minute" I heard him yell out side the door then opening it. Again he was not wearing a shirt, but I got a more clear version of his chest. He did have abs but not like a 6 pack, but he did made me blush. "You can come in now George and thanks for breakfast!" He said grabbing one of the plates and forks out my hand and walking over to the bed. I let out a tired sigh and walked to the bed and sat next to Wilbur. He already was eating his food I grabbed my fork and began to eat. 

extra drama - {georgebur/wilburnotfound high school AU)Where stories live. Discover now