Chapter 4

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WARNING- cussing, blood, violence, mention of the word slut, cuts caused by log ass nails, angst, Georgebur, karlnapity, fighting, 

Also don't ask about the photo up top I just found it and called it a day

George POV -

"Me and sapnap want to quit the student council" I told the tall blond boy standing in front of me. He didn't say anything, he just stood there and staying silent. I was scared no terrified. I didn't know what to do until he spoke. "Your what?" He spoke I stood there silent, the chills went down my spine as I stoped breathing for a second there. everyone in the hall stoped what they we're doing and looked at the three of us known as the "dream team" and that it was falling apart. "Your fucking... LEAVING THE STUDENT COUNCIL?! WHAT THE HELL GEORGE, SAPNAP" I yelled I wan never the one to be in arguments but this shit won't do. "We're leaving. You keep pushing us and being an ass hole and it's not right, hell. I might even break up with you because YOU ONLY FUCKING CARE ABOUT BEING STUDENT COUNCIL PRESIDENT AND MAKING EVERYONE BOW DOWN TO YOU LIKE YOUR BETTER THAN EVERYONE" I yelled at the blond bitch in front of me. "So stop, just fucking stop being an ass hole maybe then you will NOT BE AN ABUSIVE PARTER" I yelled once again then felling a punch to my face then falling on the floor. I held my check in pain then looking up. Dreams once greed eyes were blood red and he had a terrifying look on his face but it didn't scare me. "DON'T YOU DARE TALK LIKE THAT TO ME YOU SLUT" he yelled at me picking me up by the shirt.

"You know what I fucking said, are you deaf or something? Me and sapnap are quitting we don't want to be with a bitch who doesn't even know how to treat people like people" I said clearly pissed, this is the day where I break up with this ass hole right here and fucking now. "DREAM LET GEORGE GO NOW" I heard sapnap yell from be hind me grabbing dreams hand attempting to get his hand off me. "Don't touch me fire demon, go make out with your boyfriends and get out of this" dream hissed at the raven haired boy. sapnap hated being called 'fire demon' so it pissed him a bit. "Don't you dare call me that you ass whole. Just get let go of George and we'll be on our way, away from you I mean" he said in a demanding voice, "get the fuck away from me you ass" Dream said before shoving him in the lockers causing a loud sound to be heard and sapnap going unconscious. Karl and quackity stood there then ran to there injured boyfriend who was leaning on the lockers as the blood oozed out of his head. "Now" Dream said turning his head away from his injured ex friend to me. "Say what you said before for me baby ok?" I grid my teeth as his grip on my shirt became tighter. "Ok one, don't call me fucking 'baby' like you love me, and two me and sapnap are leaving right here and now. Now let me the fuck go" I responded to him, squirming around trying to get out of his grip but failing. I heard him growl then someone from the crowd surrounding us walked up behind Dream, But before I could see what could happen next, Dream threw me on the floor and in an instant, I fell unconscious.

Wilburs POV- 

I just fucking slapped Dream at the back of the head. He was going to throw George on the floor but when I slapped him it made him lose his balance and caused the pain to hurt less. The blond boy turned his head at me while I only started at the Injured boy laying on the floor bleeding. "Wilbur Minecraft. And what do you think your doing?" The blond ass whole asked me with a threatening tone. "I'm doing what a good boyfriend is supposed to do" I said picking up the knocked out boy, bridal style. "What the fuck do you think your doing with my boyfriend?!" He asked demanding. I let out a sigh at this stupid person "I'm taking him to the nurse also Karl and quackity lift up sapnap and follow me to the nurse" I said to the pair who is holding his boyfriend "o-ok, give us a second" quackity said getting sapnaps hand and putting it over his shoulders Karl did the same and the both carried sapnap to the infirmary. I followed them and carried George to the infirmary. Everyone made a path for me to walk by without having any trouble. 

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