Chapter 9

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Mallory skipped happily to her locker with reggie cradled tightly in her arms. Smiling at the lazy purring house cat that had gained a few pounds.

Jasper following behind carrying her bag. Emmett followimg behind like a loyal dog trying to feed the cat once again over mallory's shoulder.

"so what exactly is the plan here darlin'. Reggie can't be here all day" jasper asked his little mate who was cooing softly to the fat furball. "I can call esme to pick him up from school when your ready".

"jasper let the man enjoy the outside world" emmett playfully scolded, nudging his shoulder. "he's not a prisoner he's your son".

"emmett he can't be here all day what of he needs to go to the bathroom" jasper argued.

"then like any decent caring father your bring his little furry ass to the men's room so that he can do his business" emmett said seriously, looking at jasper in the eye.

"so I'm just supposed to hold the cat over the toilet" jasper deadpanned, staring at his brother.

"obviously, potty training is an important part of life" emmett said smugly.

"emmett's right, he is the godfather after all" mallory hummed as the group finally reached her locker.

"well said Mal. After all this is my godson we're talking about" emmett said annoying jasper further. "that's why I got you these" he smiled like a giddy child, reaching into his bag and pulling out four books. Handing them to a tired jasper.

"what to expect when your expecting" jasper read aloud with a sigh before glancing at the two other books. "how to potty train your child and last but not least how to be a good parent to your kids" he finished reading.

Emmett smiled smugly as mallory beamed up at him. Complimenting him on how thoughtful he was.

Jasper sighed dropping the parenting books in his bag.

Emmett had outdone himself.


At their first class which was art, mallory sat reggie on the table between herself and emmett. Laying out fingerpaints and paper for the fat to play with per emmett's suggesting. Which she obviously agree with, not wanting her baby to get bored.

"miss Swan, Mr cullen may I ask why you have a feline fingerpainting between you two"tge old woman asked looking like she had finally see it all.

" actually reggie has paws not fingers Mrs Johnson, so the correct term is pawpainting. All the books say that it helps his development and spacial awareness" mallory said seriously. Stroking the cat gently. "also he is vital in my biology presentation on evolution".

"plus he needs to socialize more to make friends" emmett continued pointing to a chapter in another parenting book on child development.

Mrs Johnson just looked at the pair as if they were off their head. She was too tired and too underpaid to deal with this. Instead choosing to walk away.

The three happily continue their painting in peace until reggie decided to eat emmett's paint brush.


Rosalie and Alice were so excited that they could burst. Practically smiling like maniacs on the way to biology as fast as they could without causing suspicion.

Mallory was already standing by the teachers desk preparing her presentation since today it was her turn. After her five other random people had to present theirs. Mallory was only going fist since the teacher despised her, which she naturally failed to notice. Instead she hugged the man repeatedly and smiled all weekend at the "opportunity of a lifetime".

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2021 ⏰

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