Chapter 5

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Mallory woke up to screams so high pitched she thought her skull would split open

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Mallory woke up to screams so high pitched she thought her skull would split open. Clutching her head with a cry she rolled out of her bed and onto the cold hardwood floor. The pain was so intense a few tears slipped from her eyes. Her shaking hands pulled her hair harshly in an effort to distract herself.

She was sober.

Mallory crawled to her schoolbag on the floor next to her bed as fast as she could. Pouring its contents on the floor hazardously looking for her zip lock bag of pills. It was the only think that worked in silencing the voices. It now controlled her life depending on how much drugs she could take to feel the slightest bit normal. But it was only ever a quick fix.

She grabbed a fistful and swallowed just as Bella walked through her bedroom door with a harsh glare. Bella looked at her pitiful sister on the floor surrounded by scattered pills. "God , your such a fucking junkie , freak" she sneered in disgust. She couldn't wait to tell Charlie about this." Be ready in 20 minutes or I'm leaving without you ". With that she stomped out of the room , slamming the door on the way out.

Mallory slumped down on the floor. Her head was spinning. She felt like her body was made of lead as her vision became blurring. Then that blissful silence took over her once again.

The voices in her head were gone only to be replaced by a buzzing feeling in her veins as the drugs numbed her senses.

She slowly stood on shaky legs and got dressed as fast as she could. Stuffing her things back in her bag and grabbing a hat on the way out of her room.

Bella and Charlie were sitting at the table eating awkwardly. She slumped down in her chair across from Charlie and leaned back. Tilting her head back making the room spin so fast that it was nothing more than colours spiraling around her. She zoned out until she heard Bella stand up. Putting her dish in the sink and putting her bag over her shoulder.

Without a word Mallory stood up and made her way to the door. Saluting Charlie as a goodbye. Hopping into Bella's truck, succeeding on the third try.

Bella jumped in after her and without a word drove them to school. Clenching the steering wheel so tight that her knuckles turned white. Angry his all that Edward wanted to talk about was her sister.

Mallory rolled down the window on her side of the truck. Lighting up a joint and exhaling out the window. Her delicate arm dangling gracefully out the window.

The sisters pulled up at the school parking lot directly across from the Cullen's. Jaspers eyes glued to Mallory's arm stretched out the window. Gracefully dangling a cigarette between her thin slender fingers.

They watched as Bella jumped out and walked over to Edward by the school doors as Mallory jumped out of the truck. Silently walking to stand beside jasper.

"How Reggie" Mallory asked making them all jump in surprise at the sound of her voice. Turning to watch her take a drag of her cigarette.

"Jesus , she's quiet" Rosalie whispered so that only her siblings could her. Or so she thought.

"Sorry Rosie I'll be louder next time" Mallory giggled swaying slightly, making her lean into jasper slightly which made him purr in content.

"You know your not allowed smoke here, right Mal" Emmett chuckled nudging her slightly.

"Oh I'm not smoking a cigarette , don't worry".


Jasper walked Mallory to her science class with Emmett. Both trying to get her to walk in a straight line.

Rosalie was waiting in her seat next to Mallory. Worried since the human didn't look to good. She could barely keep her eyes open. To her family's amazement she was fond of the little human that made her brother smile.

Bella she hated.

" Rosie if I ate the muffin man would it be cannibalism " Mallory wondered aloud as jasper eased her into her chair with a worried look. "I mean he's a man. But also a muffin , preferably blueberry".

" I wouldn't think so" Rosie smiled , nodding to jasper so that he could leave to class.

"I'd bury a body for you any day".

" thank you" Rosalie said looking at Alice in amusement as she walked through the door.

"I already have the shovel" Mallory said seriously before yawning and putting her head in her desk. "Just give me a call".

"Friendship goals" Rosalie muttered with a smile

Half way through the science class and the teacher was ready to kill Mallory. The class kept waiting for the next question after "are dinosaurs related to chickens because they both lay eggs". If she wasn't asking questions she was mumbling to herself which was beginning to worry the Cullen girls. Running her fingers through her hair and placing her head on the desk.

Alice sent a worried look to Rosalie which was returned with a grimace.
Hesitantly Rosalie reached across to touch Mallory's arm , gasping at the contact .

She could feel it at the touch of her skin. Warmth flowing through her veins and spreading like a wildfire. Rosalie watched as the colour in her arm. A healthy peach replacing a stony white. Her lungs burning with the need for air that she hadn't felt in years.

Slowly she heard it. The fast beating of her heart in her chest.

Mallory jerked away from the contact and out of her chair with a flinch. Looking around at all the blurred figures in the room.

Standing on shaky legs the room started spinning.

Alice and Rosalie were about to intervene when the say her slam to the floor. Hitting her head off the corner desk.

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