chapter 3

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Mallory skipped to the reception desk , earning odd looks from passing students. She clapped her hands excitedly before slamming them on the desk and bouncing on the spot.

Mrs Cope the receptionist looked at her baffled. Looking at the girl across the desk laugh at her fingers. Wanting her out as soon as possibility she handed her a slip , class schedule and a map of the school. "There you go dear" she said hesitantly.

Mallory smiled , stumbling slightly before throwing the school map over her shoulder. "Where's your sense of adventure" she giggled before blowing her a kiss and walking away.

She still stumbling around the hall. Her morning self medications finally taking effect.

Jasper followed behind her like a lost puppy. Followed by his siblings minus Edward. He watched her slip through the crowd with her slight frame. She looked as if she was away with the fairy's like Bella had said. But it looked as if she didn't have a mean bone in her body. He swerving around the crowd to get closer.

Mallory failing to notice him moving closer and bumped into him. Grabbing his arm so that she didn't fall.

"Sorry darlin' I wasn't lookin were I was goin' " jasper spoke , helping her stand upright again. She looked up and he froze , looking at her doe brown eyes. She face was blank and head tilted to the side as she studied him.

"Your pretty" she said softly , reaching a hand out to touch his hair.

"Thank you ma'am" jasper said amused.

"Like Goldilocks" she smiled dreamily , still running her hand through his hair. He could hear Emmett's booming laugh from nearby at the comparison.

"Would you like me to show you to class little darlin' " he offered his arm politely.

Mallory pulled away with a smile. "Nope " she said playfully before bopping his nose with her finger and skipping away. Leaving behind a stunned Jasper Hale.


Science was Mallory's first class of the day. Contrary to everyone else he absolutely loved science. She walked into the classroom ten minutes late and sat in the first chair available. Not noticing how the class looked at her and the strictest teacher in the school glared at her as she took her time to unpack her bag and lay bright neon pens and a notebook on the desk. She looked around with a large smile before raising her hand excitedly.

"Nice of you to join us Ms swan" the teacher gritted his teeth. "Shall we get on with the class".

" but I have a question " Mallory said not understanding his sarcasm. "Its very important its why I was late here".

Rosalie hale looked at her brother's mate amused , sharing a look with Alice from beside Mallory.

" and what would that be" he all but growled. Stalking closer to the blonde.

"Who would win in a fight. A flamingo or an ostrich. Personally I vote the flamingo".


By Mallory's second class gossip had spread like wildfire throughout the school. Watching her in class was like a free comedy show. Rosalie Hale had actually smiled at her antics.

Another turn of events was the whole school noticing jasper hale follow her like a lost puppy. It was amusing to say the least since whenever she saw him she waved excitedly and yelled out Goldilocks.

Trying to keep her promise to jasper , Rosalie walked around trying to find Mallory. Only something was off.

She had no scent.

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