Chapter 8

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Charlie spoke up the next morning to classical music being blared from his back garden. He knew for sure it was mallory up to something. He wondered downstairs to see what was going on.

The first thing he saw was a tent pitched outside with mallory tucking a blanket around one of her plants next to her bright red record player. Behind her he could see that she has been using his washing line to dry out her weed. He'd never been so glad that he fenced off his back garden last year.

"you are fabulous in every way" mallory told the plant in front of her seriously.

"Mallory you might want to turn down the music" Charlie warned lightly. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes before walking back inside for coffee. He brought one out for mallory, joining her on the lawn.

"did you sleep out here last night" he asked sipping his drink.

"yep I had to make sure John, George and Ringo weren't cold. That's what I named the plants after the beatles but I'm missing one since I only have three".

"so what's the music for" he asked confused.

"recent studies show it helps them grow better" mallory mumbled bagging up her precious dried plant from the washing line.

"WOULD YOU TURN THAT GOOD DAMN MUSIC OFF" Bella screamed from a window upstairs.

"morning Bella" mallory waved excitedly. Smiling happily up at her sister. "do you want breakfast I'm thinking waffles"

"STOP BEING SUCH A FREAK MALLORY" she screamed slamming the window harshly.

Charlie visibly saw his oldest daughter's mood deflate the second Bella said those words. Still, she did what Bella asked and turned down the music.

He clenched the coffee mug so hard he thought it would break in anger. It was bad enough she suffered abuse before she came here and he was definitely not going to let it carry on here.

"hey kiddo why don't you start getting ready for school while I go talk to Bella. Don't want to be late to see your friends".

Just like that her smile was back at the mention of her friends. "I've got to get ready to see reggie jasper said he would bring him" she said excitedly running into her room to get changed. "and I have my evolution presentation today" she said excitedly as she ran into the house. Leaving Charlie in his backyard with her plants.


Mallory packed her camera to take pictures of reggie before class along with the pictures for her presentation before she heard Bella stomping down the stairs to breakfast. Reminding mallory to pack her brownies for lunch.

She was skipping down the stairs to the front door in excitement. She opened the door with a huge smile, dropping slightly when she didn't see bella's truck. She had drove off without her.

Mallory sighed before perking up at the thought of seeing reggie at school along with jasper and emmett.


"JASPER, DINNER IS ESCAPING THE KITCHEN" rosalie yelled up the stairs. Hearing a crash from jaspers room before he ran past her.

"Emmett I told you to stop putting the cat to sleep in the oven" esme scolded while handing the cat to a worried jasper.

"I left the door open and it wasn't even turned on. We don't use it anyway" emmett said offering the cat bacon as an apology to jasper. Although he was secretly trying to fatten him up.

Jasper was franticly checking for injuries. Worried about what his mate would do if the cat was hurt.

"jasper the cat is fine" carlisle said walking in the kitchen before the heavy cat was pushed into his arms by a hysterical jasper.

"but his paws" jasper said frantically trying to show his father the cats paws. "do they look burned to you" he asked shoving the cats paws in Carlisle's face. The rest of the family bar edward trying not to laugh at the usually composed ex soldier.

"what about the spots on his belly" emmett said with fake worry to annoy jasper even more.

"IS IT CKICKENPOCKS?" Jasper shouted nearly pulling his hair out. "mallory's never going to talk to me again" he whispered.

"jasper that's just his fur, din- I mean reggie is perfectly fine" carlisle reassured him and giving him back the cat. "get ready for school I'm sure mallory would be more upset if she didn't see him".

"he needs a blanket it's cold outside" jasper muttered leaving the room followed by emmett still feeding the cat bacon.



Bella gritted her teeth when she saw mallory walking in the parking lot. Smiling when the saw the wiggling blankets jasper and emmett where arguing over. The only words she heard being for emmett to stop with the spoonfuls of yoghurt he'd been feeding whatever it was.

Eric and Mike were tilting their heads to see what caught her attention from them.

Mike let out a whistle when he saw the petite blond. "went is it all the hot chick's are crazy. I mean she is certified insane. But hot" Mike asked aloud. Causing Jessica to glare in the other swan's direction.


Jasper felt like he would swoon as soon as he saw his little mate run up to him. Taking a moment he appreciate what she was wearing.

Mallory gave him a tight hug, careful of the cat he was holding and a kiss on the cheek before taking the cat.

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