Chapter 6

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Mallory woke up in a white hospital room with a splitting headache and no self prescribed help. The heart monitor being beside her wasn't helping either. She hated it all. She hated the white surrounding the room. The noise of passersby behind the door.

It brought back to much memories of the mental hospital Renee and Bella locked her in and threw away the key. Leaving her behind in the harsh cruel darkness to suffer along. To be treated worse than an animal for most of her life.

She could feel the panic rising in her chest the more she looked around. Scrambling off the hospital bed she huddled into a ball in the corner trying to convince herself it wasn't happening all over again. That Charlie hadn't betrayed her and sent her to another mental hospital. She gripped her arms tightly , starting to draw blood.

She whimpered as the voices surrounding her mind started to scream louder with each passing second. Now clutching her head begging them to stop just this once. Only it was futile , she was already cursed to be haunted by them forever.

That was how Carlisle Cullen found her minutes later. Huddled in a corner crying from fear of the past. His eyes filled with sadness as he looked at her. His was not how he wanted to meet his son's mate that his children spoke fondly of. When he tried to take a step closer she screamed an ear shattering high pitched scream. Eyes filled with distrust at his white lab coat.

He immediately took two steps back , noticing how she instantly calmed down slightly. Carlisle slowly took a seat on the floor to be at her level. Trying to ease her fear of him any way he could think of. "Mallory" he called gently. "My name is Carlisle , you know my son Jasper don't you" he asked trying to start a conversation with her.

"Goldilocks" Mallory answered back so quietly that if he wasn't a vampire he wouldn't of heard.

"Yes" the coven leader smiled slightly. Seeing that she was loosening up slightly. "He and my other children talk about you a lot. You gave them quite the scare today when you fell". Seeing that she wasn't going to respond just yet he decided to keep talking."You have quite a lot of things in your blood work. I-"

"Please don't send me back" Mallory cried moving more into to corner. "I just wanted to quiet the noise" she said through her tears.

"I know you did" Carlisle said looking at her in the corner with pitty in his eyes. This was not the happy smiling girl his children had described. He could hear Jasper pacing up and down the hall more than an expecting father. While the rest of them listened in worried for their friend. Carlisle examined her silently with his eyes making mental notes on her condition in general. He noticed how the was way too skinny , slight scars scattered over her body in random places. His eyes sharpened in on her bleeding arms with crescent shaped cuts from her nails. He blood didn't have a scent just like his children said before he came in.

"It was to loud"Mallory elaborated clutching her head more. "They're always to loud". She still refused to look at him for more than a second. But at least she had managed to stop crying for now.

"I'm just going to step outside for a minute to talk with your father , okay. I'll be right back. Then you can go back home okay" Carlisle said gentle, moving slowly as to not spook her. With a nod of her head he walked out of the tense hospital room and shut the door behind him.

The blonde Doctor having to lean against it for a moment to take in a deep unneeded breath before going to talk with Charlie. Not noticing Jasper run straight into Mallory's room the second he turned a corner.

He finally found Charlie at the reception desk argument on the phone which what he presumed to be Renee. The moment he saw the blonde vampire approach he ended the call. Worry for his eldest daughter plastered all over his face. "Dr Cullen what the hell is going on. Nobody will tell me. Is she okay was she hurt" the man rambled worriedly.

Carlisle placed a hand on his shoulder and gestured down the hall. "Let's move this to my office so that I can explain in private". Charlie grumbled but followed the vampire into his spacious office.

He took a seat across from the desk, surprised when Carlisle took the chair next to it rather than behind the desk.

"Mallory collapsed in school today and was brought her" Carlisle began. Slightly annoying Charlie since he already knew that. "We found a great deal of drugs in her blood that wasn't prescribed".

"I already know about Mallory's drug problem doctor Cullen. We are going to work on it. But after whatever happened to her I can't really blame her" Charlie sighed tiredly.

"Mallory didn't respond like how I though she would when she woke up" Carlisle elaborated hesitantly. "I've sadly seen this behavior before".

"Look I know she's a little different but th-" Charlie started only to be cut off

"Her behavior was like that of a child abuse victim"Carlisle interrupted setting the room in a tense silence. Neither willing to speak. Charlie feeling as if he had failed her even more.

"I'd like permission to pull Mallory's medical records from the institution she was kept in since there was scars found as well" Carlisle requested wanting to know just what happened to gain that kind of reaction from Mallory.

"You do whatever the hell you have to doc " Charlie said seething with rage. "Whatever you need you just call. Now if you excuse new I thing mal has had enough of hospitals so I'll be taking her home now. You just tell me what to sign" his knuckles we're white from gripping the chair.

With the flick of a pen Charlie was barreling towards his daughter's hospital room. Wanting nothing more than to take her home. His hand was on the door handle before his stopped. Hearing Mallory laugh behind the door. He could hear other voices in the room with her. The worried father opened the door and stepped in the room only to give a small smile at what he saw.

Mallory playing Doctor with Jasper Hale and emmet Cullen. The last one lying on the hospital bed pretending to be dead. Along with Jasper acting as a nurse.

"Hi Dad" Mallory waved excitedly from beside Jasper. "We just killed Emmet".

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