Chapter 1

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Bella huffed and stormed up the stairs to her room , closing the door with a slam. As usual Edward was waiting for her by the window. Still angry after her talk with Charlie she grabbed her bag and got ready for school.

"What's wrong , did something happen" Edward asked moving closer to calm her down , grabbing her elbow to make her stop shoving things in her bag.

"I'll tell you later at school" she told him. To angry to talk to him. She stomped away and down the stairs passing a tired Charlie on the way.


She lasted most of her classes silently angry until lunch came around and jasper was flinching in his seat. Edward decided it had been long enough since Rosalie was far from pleased with Bella for jaspers pain.

"Okay it's later. Tell me what's wrong since this morning" Edward stated leaning more on the table.

"By sister's moving to fork" Bella seethed clenching her fists. "Charlie's picking her up from the airport on Sunday".

" I never knew you had a sister" Alice smiled cheerfully. "What's she like".

"Mallory absolutely crazy literally mom had her locked up last year. Plus she's a junkie" Bella sneered thinking of her older sister and her freakish nature. "Charlie found out since they sent him the bill instead of mom".

Jasper shivered at the sound of her name. He could feel the major stirring. "What's wrong with her" he asked curious about the black sheep of the swan family.

"No idea" Bella answered " but she's so weird and has no concept of personal space or social cues. Nightmare to be around".

"How old is she" Emmett asked entering the conversation at last. "Older or younger?".

" She's only a year older" Bella huffed thinking of having to live with her sister again. She was always Charlie's favourite. Her room was in the attic and had its own bathroom. She thought she could have it when she came to fork but he wouldn't even let her touch it.

She was going to be so embarrassing to have to go to school with and meet her friends and the Cullen's. She would be the laughing stock of the school for sure.

"She might not be so bad" Rosalie retorted , not trusting bella's opinion. This earned her a few odd looks from her siblings. The cold blonde haired vampire defending a human , what was the world coming to.

"Well we can't wait to meet her I'm sure" Alice smiled gently.


Sunday came by a lot faster than what Bella would have liked. All week she had complained to Edward about how terrible her sister was. Now she was going to have to deal with her all over again. She was so sure Mallory would never get out but Charlie just had to ruin things.

He left early in the morning to the airport and was due back any minute. She dreaded bringing her to school tomorrow.



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