Idea 9: The Magician

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It started with a glowing baby, and overnight the world changed forever. In what seemed to be the blink of an eye 80% of the world had some quirk. Of the other 20%, 99% are adults or from older generations. So you can imagine how much it sucks to be a quirkless child in this day and age. Not to mention that it's only made worse by the abuse and bullying I have to deal with every day. 

But that's not what we're going to talk about. Were talking about how I became a hero quirkless. You might be wondering how I did that. Without power, I might as well have a disability in this day and age. Well, I said I was quirkless, I never said anything about powerless. You see there was something I left out of my little story earlier. Before the glowing baby, there were those with power. Those who hid in the shadows, protecting humanity from threats they didn't even know existed. Dangers that had fallen into legend and myth. The power of magic. 

I learned accidentally that I am not a normal human. I am what's referred to as a Homomagi. A human that has magic in their blood. It started in a sludge villain incident when I was attacked and in desperation yelled something that felt natural "OG KCAB, EVAEL EM ENOLA!" That was the start of my adventure into learning magic and the occult. 

Quirk: none (magic)

Ship: Mei Hatsume 
The union of science and magic is hard to control but insanely powerful. 

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