Chapter 7

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It was six in the morning when I woke up drenched in sweat, my heart racing a million miles an hour. Could it be true that under everything I was built just like my aunt? That even if all I wanted was to keep everyone safe, I would ultimately be the reason they needed saving?

I shook the feeling off and decided on a lengthy run through the woods to clear my mind. I changed out of my pajamas and leashed Brody up. Images from last night's dream kept flashing in my head, sending hurtful pings to my heart as they appeared. My dog noticed my mood shift and kept nuzzling his nose into my hand, providing what little comfort he could.

"It's alright, buddy." I got down to his level and pet his head. "I'm gonna be okay. We just have to make sure I stay a safe distance from them."

Brody looked at me as if he understood what I said, nuzzling his muzzle onto my face. His nose left wet spots on my cheek, and I giggled at the tickling sensation it left.

I closed the door behind us and started a slows jog towards the woods. My legs seemed to have engrained the trail we normally took, and I felt more at ease of the direction I was going and where I had to return to. The morning was comfortably cold, the air that was created as I moved prickling my skin slightly. The ground beneath me was soft, the dewy smell of morning invading my nose. My feet crunched leaves as they made contact with the ground, the sound establishing the pace I was going. The only thing I was hoping for was that I could complete this run accompanied only by Brody.

But speak of the devil and he shall appear.

Stealthily, 20 minutes into my run, Derek crept beside my left side, a smile adorning his face. Brody's head turned, a grin pulling at the corners of his mouth. An excited bark rang through his vocal cords and Derek gave him a soft pat on the top of his head.

"Good morning." His voice was soft, still raspy from waking up.

"Morning." My tone came off drier than I had intended, but last night's dreams were stuck in a loop inside my head.

"Is something wrong?"

"Nope." It was evident that he was worried. My recurring spontaneous mood changes had started to put a dent into my façade.

"Are you sure?"


"Sky, I can tell there's something that's bothering you."

"Don't know what you're talking about, Derek." I was sure he could hear my heart racing, but I could always attribute it to running. "But look at the time. I should be getting back home now – school and everything, you know?"

"Are you trying to avoid me again, Sky?" He sounded hurt. And although the last thing I wanted to do was hurt him, I had to try and distance myself emotionally from him – for his well-being and mine.

"I'm not. I just have something to do before class. I'll see you around."

I turned around with Brody, heading back home, trying my best to regain my breath. My brain was battling between what I wanted and what was the right thing to do. Should I distance myself from everyone; should I continue pursuing personal relationships with these people; should I only interact with them for supernatural purposes; or should I just ignore the dream and try my best to suppress the supposed preying instinct I had? Maybe there was no right answer, and the future was already written for me. Whatever was meant to happen would, I just had to try my hardest to take the best steps I could.

My head had started to pound from all the thinking, and the shower I had got in did nothing to alleviate the pain. The same images displayed one after the other, non-stop. I was just thankful there were no signs of a mind reader in the group; what was flashing through my head would render too many questions for which I had no answers.

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